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At the time of death

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"You should carry the passion of God in your hearts, for it is man's consolation in his last hour." (St. Nicholas of Flue)
"He will not taste death forever who in his dying moments has recourse to the Blessed Virgin Mary." (Pope Pius XI)
"At death, the Devil exerts all his powers to secure the soul that is about to leave this world; for he knows, from the symptoms of the disease, that he has but little time to gain her for eternity." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)
"Lord, remember me in your kingdom. Do not abandon me at death's fearful moment, when my strength begins to leave me, when my voice becomes only a whisper, when my sight grows dim and my hearing almost nil. At that moment, good Jesus, come to my aid; send your holy angels to comfort me in my agony and may the hateful enemy, who subtly awaits my final hour, not prevail over me." (Thomas a Kempis)
"Still more pernicious is the language addressed sometimes by friends and relations to a person suffering with a mortal disease and on the point of death, when they assure him that there is no danger of dying, telling him to be of good spirits, dissuading him from confession, as though the very thought should fill him with melancholy, and finally withdrawing his attention from all care and thought of the dangers which beset him in the last perilous hour." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
"If the devil tries to terrorize you, invoke the name of Jesus and raise the standard of the holy Cross. If he counters by narrating your many sins and past misdeeds, then respond by reciting the infinite merits of Christ. Also remember the seven words Jesus spoke from the Cross for your instruction... [W]hen you are about to depart this world, you are not to be remiss in voicing and frequently repeating the words of his final commendation ("Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"). You will find at the end that there are none more meaningful than these." (Thomas a Kempis)
"At the time of death, the priest should be called to pray for the dying person and to celebrate the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist in the form of Viaticum. The Roman Ritual contains a special section, Pastoral Care of the Dying (Part II of Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum), to direct the priest and the other faithful in assisting spiritually the dying person. The Roman Ritual indicates the distinct purpose of this special section: The ministry to the dying places emphasis on trust in the Lord's promise of eternal life rather than on the struggle against illness which is characteristic of the pastoral care of the sick. (Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, 1983 ed., No. 161) Care should be taken to call upon the ministry of the priest in a timely manner, not waiting until the moment of death. The greatest help to the dying person is the prayer of the Church and, most of all, the reception of the Holy Eucharist as Viaticum, the spiritual food for the journey from this life to the life which is to come. If the person has already died, the priest should also be called to offer the Church's prayers for the dead and to bless the body. (Cf. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, Nos. 223-231)" (On the Christian Burial of the Dead, Bishop Raymond L. Burke/ La Crosse)
"I entrust you to God almighty, dearest brother, and commit you to Him who created you, that when death overtakes you and you pay the debt of mortal nature, you may return to your Maker who formed you out of the earth. As your soul departs from your body, may the shining cohorts of angels hasten to greet you, the tribunal of apostles acquit you, the triumphant ranks of white robed martyrs accompany you, the lily-bearing bands of glorious confessors surround you, the choir of virgins bring up your train with rejoicing, and in blest tranquilly may the patriarchs receive you into their loving embrace. May our Lord Jesus appear before you gentle and eager of countenance and assign you a place amid those who stand in His presence forevermore. May you never know the terror of darkness, hissing of flame, torment, or torture. May the foul fiend and all his minions reel back at your approach; as you advance encircled by angels, may he tremble and flee into the monstrous chaos of eternal night. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered, and they that hate him flee before his face. As smoke is driven away, so let them vanish, as wax melts before the fire, so let sinners perish before God (Ps. 67). Let the legions of hell then be filled with confusion and shame, and let not Satan's satellites presume to bar your course. May Christ who suffered for you rescue you from punishment; may Christ who was crucified for you deliver you from your cross; may Christ who deigned to die for you redeem you from death. May Christ he Son of the living God set you in His verdant paradise of everlasting delight, and may the true Shepherd recognize you as a sheep of His own flock. May He absolve you from all your sins and haply appoint you to sit at His right hand in the company of His elect. May you see your Redeemer face to face, and standing evermore in His presence, gaze upon Eternal Truth revealed in all its beauty to the eyes of the saints. Finally, may you take your place among the ranks of the blessed, and enter into the sweetness of the Beatific Vision for ever and ever. Amen." (St. Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church)
Catholic - Universal Church
"You should carry the passion of God in your hearts, for it is man's consolation in his last hour." (St. Nicholas of Flue)

"He will not taste death forever who in his dying moments has recourse to the Blessed Virgin Mary." (Pope Pius XI)

"At death, the Devil exerts all his powers to secure the soul that is about to leave this world; for he knows, from the symptoms of the disease, that he has but little time to gain her for eternity." (St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church)

"Lord, remember me in your kingdom. Do not abandon me at death's fearful moment, when my strength begins to leave me, when my voice becomes only a whisper, when my sight grows dim and my hearing almost nil. At that moment, good Jesus, come to my aid; send your holy angels to comfort me in my agony and may the hateful enemy, who subtly awaits my final hour, not prevail over me." (Thomas a Kempis)

"Still more pernicious is the language addressed sometimes by friends and relations to a person suffering with a mortal disease and on the point of death, when they assure him that there is no danger of dying, telling him to be of good spirits, dissuading him from confession, as though the very thought should fill him with melancholy, and finally withdrawing his attention from all care and thought of the dangers which beset him in the last perilous hour." (Catechism of the Council of Trent)

"If the devil tries to terrorize you, invoke the name of Jesus and raise the standard of the holy Cross. If he counters by narrating your many sins and past misdeeds, then respond by reciting the infinite merits of Christ. Also remember the seven words Jesus spoke from the Cross for your instruction... [W]hen you are about to depart this world, you are not to be remiss in voicing and frequently repeating the words of his final commendation ("Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"). You will find at the end that there are none more meaningful than these." (Thomas a Kempis)

"At the time of death, the priest should be called to pray for the dying person and to celebrate the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist in the form of Viaticum. The Roman Ritual contains a special section, Pastoral Care of the Dying (Part II of Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum), to direct the priest and the other faithful in assisting spiritually the dying person. The Roman Ritual indicates the distinct purpose of this special section: The ministry to the dying places emphasis on trust in the Lord's promise of eternal life rather than on the struggle against illness which is characteristic of the pastoral care of the sick. (Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, 1983 ed., No. 161) Care should be taken to call upon the ministry of the priest in a timely manner, not waiting until the moment of death. The greatest help to the dying person is the prayer of the Church and, most of all, the reception of the Holy Eucharist as Viaticum, the spiritual food for the journey from this life to the life which is to come. If the person has already died, the priest should also be called to offer the Church's prayers for the dead and to bless the body. (Cf. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum, Nos. 223-231)" (On the Christian Burial of the Dead, Bishop Raymond L. Burke/ La Crosse)

"I entrust you to God almighty, dearest brother, and commit you to Him who created you, that when death overtakes you and you pay the debt of mortal nature, you may return to your Maker who formed you out of the earth. As your soul departs from your body, may the shining cohorts of angels hasten to greet you, the tribunal of apostles acquit you, the triumphant ranks of white robed martyrs accompany you, the lily-bearing bands of glorious confessors surround you, the choir of virgins bring up your train with rejoicing, and in blest tranquilly may the patriarchs receive you into their loving embrace. May our Lord Jesus appear before you gentle and eager of countenance and assign you a place amid those who stand in His presence forevermore. May you never know the terror of darkness, hissing of flame, torment, or torture. May the foul fiend and all his minions reel back at your approach; as you advance encircled by angels, may he tremble and flee into the monstrous chaos of eternal night. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered, and they that hate him flee before his face. As smoke is driven away, so let them vanish, as wax melts before the fire, so let sinners perish before God (Ps. 67). Let the legions of hell then be filled with confusion and shame, and let not Satan's satellites presume to bar your course. May Christ who suffered for you rescue you from punishment; may Christ who was crucified for you deliver you from your cross; may Christ who deigned to die for you redeem you from death. May Christ he Son of the living God set you in His verdant paradise of everlasting delight, and may the true Shepherd recognize you as a sheep of His own flock. May He absolve you from all your sins and haply appoint you to sit at His right hand in the company of His elect. May you see your Redeemer face to face, and standing evermore in His presence, gaze upon Eternal Truth revealed in all its beauty to the eyes of the saints. Finally, may you take your place among the ranks of the blessed, and enter into the sweetness of the Beatific Vision for ever and ever. Amen." (St. Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church)

Catholic - Universal Church



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