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Burger''s disease (IgA nephropathy)

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Most common cause of GN
--Berger's disease (IgA nephropathy)

most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in Children
--Minimal change disease

--path: IgA (accompanied with C3 & IgG) deposit in Masangilal of
--Masangial proliferation
--Segmetal Crescent

Lupus nephritis=常以IgA nephropathy表現,但免疫螢光染色是IgG dominant

clinical manifestation
--post URI, 1~3天
--frequent relapsing hematuria
--Serum: IgA↑, IgA specific T & B lymphocyte

poor prognostic factor
1. Female patient
2. 出現severe proteinuria & HTN

台長: 暈炫
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