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2008-12-11 00:09:38| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

it make me crazy!!!

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crazy!!!crazy!!!tomorrow will be a crazy day......
he is  not only make me crazy,but also make anything crazy!!!
the Frist lesson is maths,teach must give back our test papers....i fall the test and in a very low marks.
the other lessons are better....but i don't want to cry  when i wake up in a few minutes.
the next crazy thing is report card.this year,i can't get it by myself because my English mark is too low....instead of me, my mother will come to school at satuarday afternoon,my class will give my report card to my mother, she will be angry and worried about my low mark,and my class teacher should say something about my mark,i think i will lose my control and cry loudly in public....it is often happened in a year,i don't know why ,but it may be my life-style.

台長: Miss.haha
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