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2005-06-03 05:16:10| 人氣57| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Yosemite 2005 (5/29)

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I never biked in Yosemite before so this is some brand new experience!

First we went to Mirror Lake, rental bike were only allowed up to some point and then you’ll have to park them and walk around. The reflections from the lake of those mountains and rocks are very cool.

We met a little chubby boy, he was riding his little bike around with a helmet. At that time I was holding Victor’s helmet since he went to take pictures somewhere. So the little chubby came to me

“Why are you holding a helmet? Where is your bike?” he asked.

“Oh I parked my bike somewhere and walked here. This is my friend’s helmet, I am holding it for him” I answered.

“Why didn’t he hold it?”

“He is taking pictures. You know what? I am taking care of his helmet but he didn’t say thank you.”

“Why didn’t he say thank you?” The little boy got serious about it although I was just joking.

“Hmmm… hmmm….” (Now I really don’t know what to say)

Then Victor showed up.

“There he is. This is his helmet.” I kind of introduced the owner of the helmet to the little boy.

“Why doesn’t he look happy?” He asked.

Victor blushed. People who know Victor well all understand that Victor likes to argue with things for fun. So sometime we argue things over stupid ideas and all that just for fun. But a little boy’s true wonder made him speechless. I guess for the first time he doesn’t know how to say something to “fight back”. It was just amusing!!!!!

SW came over and said to the boy “Oh don’t worry about it! He is not unhappy, it’s just that he always look unhappy, his face is always like that”.

We all burst into big laugh, and Victor blushed and blushed.

We had lunch by the stream. Then started biking along the valley loop. The rental bikes use reverse brake, no hand brakes so I wasn’t very used to it. Sometimes when it was critical I just used my feet to stop immediately.

We biked, stopped for photos, then bikes. We passed lower fall, upper fall, and El Capitan. Too bad I didn’t see any rock climber up there, but maybe I just didn’t pay enough attention to locate one. Finally we arrived Bridalveil fall. Water everywhere, the volume of the water is just immeasurable. We all got soaked but it was so much fun. I got my body and sneakers all wet. The water was freezing too, but I like the idea of being a little bit wild every once a while.

As we are rushing back to the bike rental place to return them, there were so many cars coming to the park (it’s Sunday afternoon!) and part of the route there was no bike trail that we’ll have to share the road with the cars. It was quite dangerous. I mean if I were driving I’d really hate those bikers like us at that time. CH thought the same so he said something like “Those drivers must be thinking of something like fxxx the bikers”, Victor turned and replied him “we should just yell back why did you drive then, axxhxxx?” As I said Victor is very fast in returning something in this case, but when it came to a little boy’s words, he has nothing to do because a little boy never lies. :-)

So we said bye to Yosemite and headed back to civilization. It was a great trip! Nice scenes with nice friends, what can be better? Maybe I should come again sometime this summer! Anyone?

p.s Mirror Lake

台長: citylights
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