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【送禮】Nike Air Max 1 Premium - 12239467 網路熱賣產品熱門產品


小妹最近買了 Nike Air Max 1 Premium - 12239467 ,覺得很不錯

當然有好康的要報給大家,而且在這買還是小妹精挑細選Nike Air Max 1 Premium - 12239467比價過後的結果,










1987 年,Nike Air Max 1 首次讓全球粉絲見證 Nike Air 緩震系統; Nike Air Max 1 Premium 女鞋以全新裝飾、顏色與材質凸顯經典設計。


  • 依顏色採用皮革、合成材質或織布鞋面
  • 泡棉鞋底具備 Max Air 緩震效果
  • 橡膠外底
  • 顯示顏色: Guava Ice/Gum Yellow/Summit White/Guava Ice
  • 款式: 454746-800
  • 原產國/地區: 中國

  • Air Max 緣起

    1978 年時,Nike 的革命性 Air-Sole 氣墊成為 Nike 鞋款中的一部分。1987 年推出的 Nike Air Max 1,後跟位置的氣墊首次外露亮相,讓粉絲不只能感覺到 Air-Sole 的舒適,而是可以親眼見到它了。自此而後,新一代的 Nike Air Max 鞋款都因大膽亮眼的顏色與可靠輕盈的緩震效果,深受運動員與收藏家的青睞。

    訂單金額滿新臺幣網路熱賣產品熱門產品 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

    • 標準運送的商品可於 2-6 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

    • 標準運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

    訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

    NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

    3.4 顆星

    Great shoe, but...

    MaddyM841504438 - Feb 18, 2017

    I got these shoes around Christmas time, and wore the almost every day for about a month until they ripped at the toe. I was disappointed because I hadn't even owned them for that long. I really did like the shoe and wished it hadn't ripped. I'm not sure I would recommend these shoes for someone who does vigorous activ超人氣產品團購人氣產品ity because they wouls most likely be more prone to ripping.

    Bruises up my foot otherwise nice

    monkeyfriend - May 26, 2016

    These Air Max 1s are really nice. Although I fe哪裡買el a bit clumsy with them I really like them. The fit might be wide for me or maybe the size runs large.

    I am not happy with the shoe because despite the loose fit the shoe gives me a painful bruise on the top of my right foot. I get the bruise with thin and thick socks. I thought it might only be a problem in the beginning but now after two weeks I still get the bruise. This hasn't happened to me before.

    The most uncomfortable shoes ever!

    mrd2016 - Apr 25, 2016

    I am not a fan of leaving bad reviews but I can't believe how awfully uncomfortable these shoes are. The feel like tough boots and have no movement at all, rigid. I have no idea where everyone is feeling the comfort. I have a blister day 1 on the side of my ankle, and my feet felt like I was wearing safety shoes. Really disappointed for the price. Can't feel the air cushioning at all.




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