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博客來書籍館;International Human Resource Management (Original)(4版

博客來,博客來書籍館;International Human Resource Management (Original)(4版)

博客來書籍館;International Human Resource Management (Original)(4版)






博客來網路書店,博客來網路書局,博客來e-coupon 2012,博客來書店,1i6博客來網路書店,博客來網路書店歡迎您,博客來書局,博客來售票網,博客來折價券2012,books 博客來網路書店


作者:Randall Schuler、Dennis Briscoe、Ibraiz Tarique 出版社:華泰文化 出版日期:2012年04月02日 語言:英文 ISBN:9780415884761 裝訂:平裝


博客來書籍館;International Human Resource Management (Original)(4版)


台長: dawsoncaro4791
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* 請輸入識別碼:

  Thoroughly updated and expanded, the fourth edition of International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises now includes learning objectives, discussion questions, end-of-chapter cases, and two end-of-book integrative cases. It has been designed to lead readers through all of the key topics in a highly engaging and approachable way. This book focuses on International Human Resource Management within multi-national enterprises (MNEs) and covers topics including:

  ·The development of IHRM
  ·MNE and country culture
  ·Strategic IHRM
  ·Organizational structure and design
  ·International joint ventures and cross-border mergers and acquisitions
  ·Labor standards, ethics and codes of conduct
  ·Global talent management
  ·Selection and management of international assignees
  ·Training and management development
  ·Compensation and benefits
  ·Health and safety and crisis management
  ·International HRIS
  ·International Human Resource Management departments and professionals

  Uncovering precisely why International Human Resource Management is important for success in international business and how International Human Resource Management policies and practices function within the multinational enterprise, this comprehensive textbook provides an outstanding foundation for understanding the theory and practice of International Human Resource Management. This book is essential reading for all students, lecturers and International Human Resource Management professionals.


Randall Schuler

  現職:Rutgers University

Dennis Briscoe

  現職:University of San Diego

Ibraiz Tarique

  現職:Pace University
