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學習app 英文生活會話 nuisance ground中文意思是什麼

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nuisance ground中文意思是什麼

nuisance ground解釋

〈Can. 名詞 , 方〉垃圾場。

  • nuisance: n. 1. 使人為難的行為,討厭[有害]的東西[行為],麻煩事情。2. 討厭[麻煩]的人。3. 〈罕用語〉(非法)妨害,損害。
  • ground: adj 碾碎了的,磨過的,磨成粉的。 ground and polished piston 【機械工程】研磨活塞。n 1 地,地面;...

  • I absolve you, on the ground of invincible ignorance.

  • 線上英文補習 找家教 In this paper, using the program ( epagpll ), the bored testing pile group of the chinese architecture science and research institute at luokou area are analysised. the comparisons among analytical results of four constitutive models of soil are made, and the deformation of piles and soil, the soil resistance of the piles, the friction beneath cap, the aclinic displacement of the ground soil before piles and the failure pattern of pile group are discussed in detail

  • Lie down ! shouted the adjutant, throwing himself on the ground 初級 英語 youtube學英文頻道

  • Docking mechanism test - bed is mainly used to simulate dynamics process of two aerocraft ’ s docking on the ground, validate rationality of the mechanism ’ s design and estimate stability of the docking process

  • The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes.


    nuggar, nugget, nuisance, nuisance parameters, nuisance raid, nuisance tax

    nuisance ground中文意思是什麼
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