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學英文推薦書 多益英聽 如何學英語 kindling point中文意思是什麼

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kindling point中文意思是什麼

kindling point解釋


  • kindling: n. 1. 點火,燃燒。2. 〈常 pl. 〉引火物;〈美國〉引火柴(=kindling wood)。
  • point: n 1 尖頭,尖端;尖頭器具;〈美國〉筆尖;接種針,雕刻針,編織針;小岬,小地角;【拳擊】下巴。2 【...

  • In this section, we will consider the rank of aa from an analytic point of view.

  • A bag filter for dust abatement at the discharge point should be provided. 英文自學書 新竹 英語 一對一英語

  • The 3-point hitch unit is gaining wider acceptance.

  • The first instinct of india ' s prime minister, manmohan singh, was to call for calm and restraint, rather than to point an accusatory finger at pakistan for sheltering the jihadi groups who, by common reckoning, are the most likely people to have perpetrated the outrage

    印度總理辛格對此事的第一反應並非是指責巴基斯坦庇護吉哈德組織(公眾認為,該組織最有可能製造了暴行) ,而是呼籲大家保持冷靜和克制。
  • Brummagem england was toppling already and her downfa網路學英文 免費 英檢中級報名 多益讀書計畫ll would be ireland, her achilles heel, which he explained to them about the vulnerable point of achilles, the greek hero - a point his auditors at once seized as he completely gripped their attention by showing the tendon referred to on his boot

    愛爾蘭將是它的阿戲留的腳踵。 」他又就希臘英雄阿戲留那易受傷害的部位為他們做了一番解釋152 。由於他隔著靴子指了指腱在哪兒,就完全吸引了聽眾的注意,從而大家也立即恍然大悟了。

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    kindling point中文意思是什麼
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