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英文補習班評比 網上免費學英文 national a ociation of manufacturers中文意思是什麼

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    日語 上班族進修課程上班族英語 商用英文單字一對一補習班 英檢中級報名 英聽網站台灣英語教學 語文訓練中心英文會話 免費下載大家說英語 中級英檢文法師德英檢成績查詢 網路學英文免費英文補習班評比 網上免費學英文英文講師 數學家教老師 toeic 學習



national a ociation of manufacturers中文意思是什麼

national a ociation of manufacturers解釋


  • national: adj 1 民族的;國民的;國家的;國民特有的。2 國家主義的;愛國的。3 國立的 國有的 國定的;全國性的...
  • a: an 用在以母音音素開始的詞前〉 indefinite art 1 〈普通可數名詞第一次提到時,冠以不定冠詞主要表示類...
  • of: OF =Old French 古法語。
  • manufacturers: 製造廠家

  • Because bai minority ' s economy was affected deeply by the mainland ' s han culture, cultivated the opened self - conscious national spirits for a long time ; been good at studying, imitating and innovating, furthermore had the national character and morals that looked up the wise, so it brought the advanced economic conformation whether in the ancientry or latter - day, speeded up the development of productivity, maked the dali bai minority situated the center station of the regional economic development, had the ability of deciding and imposing on the economic changes and economic relations that circumjacent nation area, historically introjected the extensive circulation of chinese economic development, and became a part of chinese economy

  • Literacy and educational attainment is a matter of vital national interest.

  • Manufactured the excellent products and founded the fashion life that is our dealing faith. after several years effort, we have developed. after registration, we are awarded emphases enterprise by experiment zone in jul 2001 ; medun - smal scale enterprise guangdong in dec ; science technology progress in jul 2002 ; jieyang famous trademark in jan 2003 ; passed is09001 2000 international quality system authentication ; in may, nation quality trustworthy products and the national consumer satisfaction of the quality service unit ; in jan a quality price trustworthy unit ; in mar, the enterprise being faithful to its contract keeping promise ; in apr, elected as the director unit by guangdong home appliance manufacturers ; in oct awarded china excellent medun - smal scale science enterprise ; in apr. elected as the director unit by jieyang excellent medun - smal scale enterprise sodality

    注冊成立後於2001年7月被試驗區評為「重點企業」 ,同年12月被廣東省科學技術廳授予「廣東省民營科技企業」於2002年7月獲試驗區「科學技術進步獎」 2003年1月被揭陽市工商行政管理局授予「揭陽市知名商標」 ,同年4月通過is09001 : 2000國際質量體系認證,同年5月被中國產品推廣評價中心授予「全國質量信得過產品」 ,同時被中國產品質量申訴外授予「全國質量服務消費者滿意企業」 ,同年6月被揭陽市物價局揭陽市技術監督局授予「價格質量信得過單位」於2004年3月被揭陽市政府授予「守合同重信用企業」 ,同年4月被廣東省家電商推選為理事單位,同年10月被評為「中國優秀民營科技企業」 ,並在北京人民大會堂參加表彰大會於2005年4月被揭陽市民營企業依法維權聯宜會推選為理事單位。
  • The authorities also said 626 criminal cases had been opened as a result of the national campaign of inspections of food and drug manufacturers and restaurants that was launched in august

  • With the expansion of exchange capacity and network convergence, quite a lot of ma英文 全民英檢中高級報名 線上英文翻譯nufacturers has installed built - in sdh interfaces in their switches so as to provide trunk modules of the stm - 1 ( 155 mbs ) rate, such as shanghai bell s p3s exchange and huawei s c & co8 exchange

    隨著交換機容量的擴大和網路融合的趨勢,目前已經有相當多的廠家都內置了sdh的介面,能夠提供stm - 1 ( 155mbits )速率的中繼模塊,具體如上海貝爾的p3s交換機和華為公司的c & c08交換機。

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    national a ociation of manufacturers中文意思是什麼
      1對1英文 西文家教 中級英檢試題英文老師 薪資 語言學 英文全民英檢補習 家教 英文線上英文新聞 學美國英語閱讀課本 英文 每日英語情境會話 進修英語英語能力測驗 英文學習法自學英語教材 臺南英文外籍家教老師 兒童班兒童英檢 兒童英文英文自學教材 一對一教學英文商用英文對話 英檢成績


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