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HF buy jor ait ticket to Japan na!!!
the ticket can be used one year after ar!!!!!
who want to come with HF???
| 2005-08-15 17:16:28
BB 3.52 Yes Madam!
Cool la la~~~
BB really got >3.51, wakaka, v satisfied with it r! yoyo DD!
BB''s next dream is to get accepted as inpector in HKPF!
Cool la la!Yes Madam D and Tom Sir!

EE is employed r, as the school principal of A-Z kindergarten!

BB''s Madam really looks like Fiona Sie...v funny, she asked bb''s suggestion for improving the internal communication in the police! The police force paid $500,000 to a consultancy for some rubbish suggestion, so BB''d better open a consultant firm, yoyo

BB 3-52
| 2005-06-30 01:38:13
lobe chu ee
lobe ar, forget people\''s names !!!
chu ee teach bb la
ask them for a photo then write down their names next to it, kakakakaka
lobe bb ar
what is the name of giraffe ar ??
eeeeeeeeeeeeee not only play hard with bb ga >e<
keke...but also Tai Cheung Look with bbbbbbbbbbbb ^B^
pick chu ee off work ar !!!
chu ee is now a... lobe ar !
it all comes true
for you work and CGA ^B^
see how lobe chu ee is !!! chu ee know it must be good ga la!!!
but i bet chu ee will be unemployed ga na
anyway, try hard to look at the journal (dont know what they are talking.......) and read back the textbook for my subjects interested...probably, IO, labor economics and development economics...and have to borrow fd\''s econometrics for research purpose...
hope that this year hv funfunshow, so that i can work for few days and earn a thousand ! or hold other exhibition la...summer tutor is gd also...
| 2005-06-29 12:59:01
3.51 BB
BB will get exam result tmr, and it''s special that it includes the grade of the LULU project!
Hope Mike Mike would do me a favor lalala ^3^

DD is so excited that he dances around! He saw bb work hard and sleep hard with Tom this semester; at the same time play hard with ee.
So DD said BB deserves a Straight A!
Thanks Dean DD

May DD bless.

Dean BB
| 2005-06-27 23:22:47
Madam DD
After working for 3 days, BB started to get used to the environment la~~but BB\''s memory is still not good in memorizing name, esp those foreigners...(but at least better than lobe ee)!
Needa add oil to recognise my colleagues!

Working in police force is really good...super nice working environment (at least for this dept). People are energetic and sporty! Like tom!

BB is preparing a summary for Madam\''s meeting, and is going to hand it in to Madam tmr. Hope I can reach Madam\''s requirement la! Excited r!

After BB work, BB have less time to see ee...wuwuwu......and the fucking tel line made BB can\''t talk too long on the phone....wu li wu li r!

Zen is coming! Looking forward to a super enjoyable week with mamama ^3^

Madam bb
| 2005-06-27 23:14:35
lobe dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
chu ee 對chu bb都唔知幾有信心
唔理喇, 牙痛完就發燒...wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu
bb 仲未黎探病呀 >e<
仲未去 swim
bb快d請多d病假, kekekekekeke
tom話要同bb 訓下午覺呀
where is bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb??? >t<
lobe tom ar !!!!!!!!!
| 2005-06-24 12:53:19
chu bb
Chu ee mistook the luggage r!!
We r in Santorini now~~~as beautiful as dd r!

Tom is swimming in Aegean Sea with the swim suits~~yoyoyo!

| 2005-06-16 11:12:10
where is our luggage ar ?????????????????
help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
石湯年is coming ar !!!!!!!!! ^STY^
| 2005-06-14 20:30:17
hey, do you need me?
| 2005-06-11 10:17:06
Chu bebe
waa!! I am running to the fxxking DHL r~~!
Ambassordor Chen is fxxking helpful!
wu li wu li r!

Leave goteborg la, going to John''s place~~~

Begin the round-europe trip..........one year before...

chu beebee
| 2005-06-08 14:39:03
lobe hf
lobe hf eating orange ice ar!!!!!!! cool !!!!!
the bad professor lies!!! he doesnt want to upgrade us at the very beginging...........
| 2005-06-03 17:26:41
chu bebe
Lobe chu EE~!
Maybe this job interview was less professional as they are agency only, Chu bebe know other job interviews should be more challenging and meaningful!
So, chu ee must be better-equipped~~~yoyo!! that''s the way to adapt to the world, no matter god exist or not.
chu bebe too r~!

chu bebe
| 2005-06-03 13:32:35
chu ee
where is chu bb ar????????
ng chai ng chai ar
keke, i am play tai cheung look with hf ar
ng lei lobert tom
tom''s nickname very ugly ar @t@
ng lei na
| 2005-06-02 10:09:06
Dai Cheung Look!
Dai Cheung Look ho ho play!
ee fast d join us~~wakakka
hf mo duc play, coz others afraid of his greyness >hf< poor hf...

YOYO ~~can play bball with ee~! Win over EE!!

Tom-lo mo yuen
| 2005-05-30 02:06:00
ng lei ng lei
hf 25 tickets ar!!!!!!!!!!!!
dd mou duck go, punish dd
| 2005-05-26 22:56:18
Announcement of Lorbut Competition
Result of First-Round Lorbut competition is released: (dated 24/5)
Losser: EE Kwok

Punishment: Forbidden to go to Ocean Park

Judge: Dr Tom Shek

Thanks for the kind attention.
For any inquiry, please beat die hf.

All Right Reserved by @b@ 2005
| 2005-05-25 17:07:22

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