一個剛從國外回來的朋友想購買SmarTrike 滑板車 T1本月優惠
smarTrikr Scooter T1 設計式樣: blau · 2019
The perfect vehicle from the beginner to the scooter master!
The three-stage smarTrike scooter T1 is a clever and innovative
Scooter for your child at the age of 15 months and up. Step by step your little one can learn the skills it takes to drive like a pro.
Stage 1: Seating PositionAt the age of 15 months up to about 24 months your child will be using the scooter in the first stage. This
easy sitting position provides your little one with maximum support and trains his or her sense of balance at the same time.
Stage 2: Practicing and getting confidenceAfter the first practice phase, the seat can be removed and your child can start making the first attempts at
riding the scooter in a standing position. The T-lock function is activated and prevents a tipping of the handlebar. Between the 2
nd and 3
rd year of life your child will get more confident and then practices like
實用商品推薦 a champ.
Stage 3: Freestyle mode2019網路最夯商品After the second practice phase and at the age of approx. 3 years, your child is ready to move on to the Freestyle mode. In order to make this mode work, you simply need to turn the T-lock and
activate the tilt mechanism of the handlebar. The skills you child has learnt in the stages before are now used.
height-adjustable seat and the telescopic pushrod adapt perfectly to the respective stages of your little one's development. That
rubber footboard and the
Rubber handles provide excellent support and make your child feel safe. The rear spring steel brake is easily accessible and allows a safe driving experience.
Another highlight are the fancy
wheels in fluorescent colours. Furthermore, the scooter T1 features a matching
monster bag on the handlebar in which all the necessities and niceties of your child can be stored.
- 3 in 1 learning scooter for children from 15 months up to 5 years
最新出版- Rubber footboard for maximum support
- Rubber handles
- PU wheels for easy riding
- Height-adjustable foam rubber seat and telescopic push bar
- Easily accessible spring steel brake
- Front wheels in fluorescent colours
- Including matching monster bag
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年輕媽媽「憂鬱症」上榜 空巢期媽媽睡眠品質差
: 「媽媽」的身分一上任,這一輩子就無法離職了,而不同年齡層的媽媽們,各自有自己擔憂的疾病,甫踏入新手村的適齡媽媽,新角色的轉換需要時間適應,賀爾蒙的改變和外在環境的變化,內外夾攻,讓新手媽媽害怕會有憂鬱症上身;41歲後的中壯年媽媽,逐漸步入更年期,熱潮紅、盜汗等疾病都會困擾著媽媽們;退休後的媽媽正面臨空巢期,愛亂想因此容易睡不好。
彰銀攜手華山會 送愛獨居老人
SmarTrike 滑板車 T1
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