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今年最棒的聆聽感動 * 我聽John Mayer

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我擁有三張John Mayer的專輯,其一是在國外網路唱片行買的專輯,也就是哥倫比亞重發那版封底是化學元素表的《Room For Squares》,其二是早期在獨立廠牌的首張EP重新發行的《Inside Wants Out 》,除收錄的四首《Room For Squares》專輯內四首歌曲的原音溫暖作品外,還有其餘四首動人的小品,透過美妙的原音吉他和簡單的弦樂鋪陳,使得這張EP與《Room For Squares》有著截然不同的聆聽感受;《Room For Squares》是今年我認為最耐聽的一張專輯,民謠、搖滾與融合爵士的豐富多變曲風,絲毫不灑狗血但流露真摯情感的表達,每首歌曲都愈聽愈覺韻味,對我這個聽多冷門音樂的人,這樣一個暢銷歌者的作品,無疑仍為我帶來無限的聆聽樂趣與喜悅,"St, Patrick Day"歌聲裡聽似釋懷平靜的情緒,卻憂憂透著愁悵感懷,在寒冷的冬季聽來,感動全然溢滿整個空間。第三張不過是我在日本旅遊時買的日版的《Room For Squares》,不同的專輯封面頁底,而且Bonus收錄了兩首翻自影響John很深的Stevie Ray Vaughan和Jimi Hendrix的曲子,聽John Mayer敘說愛情經歷、描繪生活點滴,就從以下兩首歌開始吧!

St Patrick's Day

lyrics by john mayer


Here comes the cold
Break out the winter clothes
And find a love to call your own
You - enter you
Your cheeks a shade of pink
And the rest of you in powder blue

Who knows what will be
But I'll make you this guarantee

No way November will see our goodbye
When it comes to December it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone at Christmas time

In the dark, on the phone
You tell me the names of your brothers
And your favorite colors
I'm learning you
And when it snows again
We'll take a walk outside
And search the sky
Like children do

No way November will see our goodbye
When it comes to December it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone at Christmas time
And come January we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions a hundred times
February, won't you be my valentine?
And we'll both be safe 'til St. Patrrick's Day

We should take a ride tonight around the town
and look around at all the beautiful houses
something in the way that blue lights
on a black night can make you feel more
everybody, it seems to me, just wants to be
Just like you and me

No one wants to be alone at Christmas time
Come January we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions a hundred times
February, won't you be my valentine?

And if our always is all that we gave
And we someday take that away
I'll be alright if it was just 'til
St. Patrick's Day


City Love

lyrics by john mayer


I never liked this apple much
It always seemed too big to touch
I can't remember how I found
My way before she came around

I tell everyone
I smile just because
I've got a city love
I found it in Lydia
And I can't remember
life before her name

She keeps a toothbrush at my place
As if I had the extra space
She steals my clothes to wear to work
I know her hairs are on my shirts

I tell everyone
I smile just because
I've got a city love
I found it in Lydia
And I can't remember life before
The day
She called up and came to me
Covered in rain
And dinnertime shadowing
And as her clothes spun, we spooned
And I knew I was through
When I said "I love you"

Friday evening, we've been drinking
2 AM, I swear I might propose
but we close the tab
split a cab
and call each other up when we get home
falling asleep to the sound of sirens
I've got a city love
I found it in Lydia

From the battery
To the gallery
It's the kind of thing you only see
In scented, glossy magazines

And I can't remember
life before her name

台長: Jesse
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