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2010-09-06 02:11:54| 人氣145| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I think you had tried.
Maybe there were something between us.
It's just over.

Maybe I shouldn't regard you as a cruel person.
Maybe you dont want to be like this as well.
It is just too impossible inbewteen us.
And you just wake up earlier than me.
Maybe I somehow hurt you as well.

Thank you for making the dream with me.
Maybe I shouldn't blame you.
Even now I still hope we can be together.
But maybe letting it be would be much better for both of us.
Distance does hurt.
And the future inbetween is too unsure.

Even if I am willing to believe and fight for the possible future.
3 years is too long.
Maybe we will end up simply torture each other.

I know it actually against your personality of pursuing something too unpredictable.
I just didn't take it seriously.
I never thought that you might struggled for this relationship.
I am sorry.
I am sorry if my expectation hurts you as well.
I am too idealism.

I like you.
Still like you.
But we both need to think for each other.
I am still with hope.
But we can't keep hurting each other anymore.
You are not only the person I like but also my important friend.
Hope there is another way for us.
Before we can change the situation, maybe.............

The thing between us was really beautiful......

台長: 神隱
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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