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2007-03-01 15:34:30| 人氣13| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Slow day at work, so i spend most of my time surfing the net; and eventually end up in Minnesota Wild website...
hockey season is coming to an end..and WILD is pretty well placed in the playoff !!!! come’on STANLEY CUP.

2 more WILD vs CAnucks games left this season, and i wanted to go to this sunday’s game very badly haha. Start to ask people if they want to go watch the game with me, but at 175$ is hard to find anyone..

as seems right now..i might just have to watch it at Shark Club..and save the money for something more important..
such as that girl in Nippon land..

ps. Sigh wild lost to flames tonight damn it..!!!! :(

台長: 烏鴉
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