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【熱賣商品】chicco Stroller Duo Style Go Up Crossover 最新出版必買

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Chicco Stroller Duo Style Go Up Crossover 設計式樣: JET BLACK · 2019

The name says it all! This trendy multi-functional stroller is suitable right from birth and helps you master any ride no matter the terrain.

This pushchair is only 50 cm wide and comes with ball bearing wheels that make it particularly compact and super easy to manoeuvre even around the tightest corners. It reaches every destination with ease and thus is the perfect companion for town-dwellers. When not in use, you can fold the Style Go Up into a compact size. While doing so, the tyres twist automatically into the most compact position so that the pushchair is free standing.

Apart from these extraordinary features the Duo Style Go Up Crossover is equipped with many other amazing features that turn this pram into the most reliable companion for mastering your everyday life easily.

The pushchair seat can be used in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode. The soft padded, comfortable backrest with safety harness can be adjusted into a full recline position. The parts made of fabric can be removed and machine washed if required. Also the footrest adapts easily to the needs of your child. The push bar has been designed with premium faux-leather and can be adjusted in three different positions.

The ball bearing wheels as well as the front and rear spring balancer contribute to the Style Go Up's high driving comfort. The crossover tyres master every surface while driving.

The large canopy is equipped with a mesh window that can be extended by opening a zip. The spacious shopping basket is easy to reach regardless of the current setting of the seat.

The carrycot which is included in delivery weighs only 4,4 kg and comes with a large canopy with viewing panel and carrying handles that are integrated in the canopy. The interior of the carrycot comes with a comfortable and cosy cot bumper for your new-born baby.


  • When used as pram with carrycot suitable from birth up to a weight of 10 kg

  • When used as pushchair suitable from 6 months up to 36 months

  • Including changing bag with changing mat, blanket for baby's legs, rain cover for pushchair, Kit Car


  • Large canopy with mesh viewing panel (can be extended by opening a zip)

  • One-hand fold mechanism

  • Large hook-on basket

  • Reversible seat unit, full recline position, adjustable footrest

  • Soft, comfortable seat (removable and washable cover)

  • All wheels have ball bearing, front and rear spring balancer, crossover tyres

  • Push bar with faux-leather, three different positions

  • Weight: 11,5 kg

  • Size unfolded: 50 x 98/ 109 cm (width x height)

  • Size folded: 50 x 79 x 52 cm (width x height x depth)


  • Ergonomic handle integrated in canopy

  • Large canopy with mesh viewing panel

  • Backrest can be adjusted from the outside
  • 抗漲2018熱門產品

  • Ultra-light carrycot: 4,4 kg
  • 暢銷排行 搶先看

  • Adjustable draught shield (double zip for easy opening)

  • Interior with comfortable and cosy cot bumper

  • 下殺評價
  • When used in the car: including 3-point harness and Kit Car

  • Size: 84 x 64 x 44 cm (width x height x depth)




chicco Stroller Duo Style Go Up Crossover






【記者謝政儒桃園報導】桃園市長鄭文燦今(22)日上午前往平鎮區新光路5段與天津街交叉口,出席「鑊篤陂塘生態公園綠美化工程開工典禮」,鄭文燦表示,「鑊篤陂塘生態公園」命名由來,是因埤塘本身外觀就像又深又圓的大鍋,而客語稱埤塘為「WO dǔ」,即有鍋底之意,即以此命名。鑊篤陂塘生態公園總面積約0.7公頃,總工程經費約2,000萬,預計今(108)年6月完工,設置包括大型地景溜滑梯、複合式攀爬網等,結合地景和公園設施,並將設置環湖步道,與周邊石門水圳櫻花步道串聯,活化周邊景點,提供市民朋友更完整舒適的休憩場所。




上海名人賽/費爸爆冷敗 喬帥將爭冠



上海網球名人賽13日爆出冷門,瑞士巨星費德勒(Roger Federer)以直落二敗給克羅埃西亞好手柯瑞奇(Borna Coric),止步四強,冠軍將由柯瑞奇與塞爾維亞名將喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)爭奪。




喬科維奇13日則是在準決賽以6:2、6:1輕取德國新星澤瑞夫(Alexander Zverev)。原本預期會是場「五五波」,但意外變成「一面倒」,喬科維奇不斷給對手施加壓力,澤瑞夫逐漸失去擊球節奏,更在第二盤情緒崩潰,當場摔拍,最後由喬科維奇拿走勝利、晉級決賽。

chicco Stroller Duo Style Go Up Crossover

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