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【折價限量優惠】Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt 大力推薦哪裡買

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Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt


Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt



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Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt 設計式樣: Brown · 2018

The Brevi child safety seat CX Isofix tt ensures safe and secure trips for babies and infants right from birth up to an age of approx. 4 years. Your child will enjoy every ride in the soft and comfortable seat shell.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+/ 1 car seat suitable for children with a weight of 0 up to 18 kg

  • Age suitability: from birth up to approx. 4 years

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R44/04

Especially during your little one's first months, the adjustment of the recline position is one of the most important features parents look for when buying a child safety seat. The CX Isofix tt features five different relax positions that can be adjusted easily without disturbing your child.

When the Brevi CX Isofix tt is used as a group 0+ car seat, it has to be installed in a rear-facing mode and needs to be attached with your car's own seatbelt. The spacious seat is perfect for the smallest among us to cuddle up and feel super comfy. The detachable new-born insert and an additional base 0+ which is to be attached on the bottom side of the car seat, ensure a correct lying position. The padded five-point harness supplies your child with safety and comfort. Magnets on the side retain the belts you that you can easily lift your child into the seat and fasten him properly. The combination of the DSIP system (double side impact protection) and the soft padded headrest which supports your child's head, supplies him with maximum side impact protection. The tough and resistant material of the shell and the deep sitting position protect your child's head, neck and shoulders as well as his pelvis and legs.

At the age of 9 months or else a weight of approx. 9 kg, the child safety seat is to be attached to your car in a forward-facing mode by using the Isofix connectors and the top tether or else your car's own seatbelt. Colour indicators show you whether the CX Isofix tt is attached correctly.

The Brevi CX Isofix tt adapts perfectly to the growth of your child up to his fourth year. That is why, you can easily adjust the headrest and the built-in harness simultaneously with only one hand in seven different positions.

Parents will be delighted by the child car seat's easy handling. In combination with the important safety features, the CX Isofix tt accompanies little passengers and ensure highest safety according to the ECE R44/04 norm.


  • Including seat insert and base 0+

  • Installation as group 0+ child safety seat: rear-facing mode with car's own seatbelt, usage of base 0+

  • Installation as group 1 child safety seat: forward-facing mode with Isofix connectors and top tether or car's own seatbelt

  • Colour indicator shows whether the Isofix connectors and the top tether are snapped in correctly

  • Headrest and built-in harness can be adjusted simultaneously in seven different positions

  • Adjustment in five different lying positions

  • Integrated five-point harness with shoulder pads, magnets

  • DSIP system (double side impact protection), deep sitting position, tough and resistant material

  • Detachable, soft padded cover that can be washed by hand at 30°C

  • Dimensions: H 67 x W 54 x D 44 cm
  • 暢銷排行 網友超推

  • Weight: 9,2 kg




Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt





華男流落街頭10年 鄉親募11萬助返鄉

華裔男子林朝掌十多年前經歷多重變故和打擊,導致精神分裂流落街頭,今年9月在華埠東百老匯(East Broadway)街頭被人發現,目前在醫院接受治療已一個月,病情已好轉;美國福州琅岐同鄉會也籌募到11萬3550元,幫助他遠在中國的父親林清位減輕經濟負擔,林清位13日委托同鄉會向僑團送上牌匾,表達感恩之情。





林清永說,自9月第一次發動籌款後,通過報紙和微信傳播,獲不少愛心人士捐款,共籌得11萬5500元,可幫助減輕林朝掌一家的經濟負擔;籌款活動仍持續進行,有意捐款的民眾可寄送支票給收款人zhong fang feng,至地址2045 Bay Ridge Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11204,或撥打電話(646)763-796和(914)382-5712。


一戰終戰百年紀念 美俄領袖短暫對話

(中央社莫斯科11日綜合外電報導)俄羅斯媒體引述總統蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)今天的談話指出,他在法國巴黎第一次世界大戰終戰百年紀念活動,與美國領袖川普有短暫但良好的對話。

國營俄羅斯新聞社(RIA Novosti)指出,記者問最近流行商品網購人氣商品蒲亭是否有機會和川普講到話,他回答說:「有。」當問及兩人對話如何,他說:「還不錯。」


法國總統府表示,東道主、法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)在現場,德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)有交換一點意見。


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Brevi Child Car Seat CX Isofix tt

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