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2004-05-28 03:07:59

today's life

today i woke up at 12 ar becoz my babe called me then i read newspaper on the bed and have my breakfast ( toast again) and a glass of milk then lie on the bed la...switched on my pc la...then automa...

2004-05-25 04:07:59

MJ23 (21/5/2004)

姓名:Michael Jordan(米高佐敦麥克.喬登) 球衣背號:23# 身高:6尺6吋(198公分) 體重:216磅(98公斤) 生日:2/17/1963 學歷:北卡羅萊納大學肄業 經歷球隊:芝加哥...

2004-05-25 03:07:59

A letter for you

Dear darling It is a harsh month for u. In the last two weeks, u have to prepare for ur presentation, paper and mid-term, I know u are very tired and exhausted as work is coming piece by piece. U h...

2004-05-18 03:07:58


What happen~~~what make us fall into the crisis??? First, I would like to say “SORRY”first…i always think u r the BEST in my heart and I never wanna with the other. I learnt to be a gd bobo and ...

2004-05-18 03:07:58


We back home around 1 sth ar…very very tired ar….after bath we go to bed ar. We have a long time haven’t sleep together la…..feel gd PLEASE PLEASE(the first time I beg u ar babe)……hahaha.. A gre...

2004-05-18 03:07:58

Daily life~~~1505

Day after my birthday, I woke up after 11 sth and my tai yan also come to the rm and sleep with me ar….but I am so sleepy lei…hahaha…so I haven’t hug u much and concentrate on my dream ar………ooo...

2004-05-18 03:07:58


We went to REPULSE BAY and have a bbq in there…we took so many photos tonite ar…very very nice ar…….hahaha,,,we ate so many chichen wings lei…..then we walked on the beach and very very sweet ar…...

2004-05-18 02:07:58

Happy happy''s day(May)

Although today is a happy day, we still not very hapi. We argued in these fw days ar…feel not gd and feel pressure becoz of this relationship…..how will we be in the coming days lei….hope we can ke...

2004-04-24 12:07:58

Question Mark????

we never get committment in this kind of situation........ and its change to be many ???question marks?? Where is the Answer???? huH..... =( Love you ( u can't choose not to believe)

2004-04-24 01:07:58


Sharing a Article: 你發覺到了嗎?愛的感覺,總是在一開始覺得很甜蜜,總覺得多一個人陪、多一個人幫你分擔,你終於不再孤單了,至少有一個人想著你、戀著你,不論做什麼事情,只要能在一起,就是好的,但是慢慢...

2004-04-21 09:07:58


Dearest, Without ur companion, i dun know how's my life it would be..... No matter what's happening, I just want to tell you that my love to you would not be changed.... 連最想得到的 我都找到了 ...

2004-04-17 23:07:58

Argue, argue and argue

莫非拍拖久了, 便互相生厭了?? once i read it , my heart feel very "la"..... i dunno it is your real feeling or whatever........ i always here and be with u and chat with u.......but sometimes i t...

2004-04-17 20:07:58


莫非拍拖久了, 便互相生厭了??

2004-04-17 15:07:58


u make friend with everything la me.........not ur business i ho unhappy a u know? ng share with u la u scold me a lot u clever now la....use back my attitude to talk with me la i...

2004-04-09 12:07:58

One Day Tour

7/4...this is the first time you can sleep with me under my mom approval. hehe, do you feel happy? I feel very very happy becoz the feeling like " new marriage nite" a...HAHAHAHA~~ we slept at 2 ...

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