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  好久沒寫囉 來趕一下進度....No time no write XD  There is still a lot waiting to be finished.松山文創園區是個台北人可以去的好所在~.~ 趁有展覽趕快去看看囉..Songshan Cultu......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-09-16 21:59 | 人氣:1167 | 回應:4
湖口老街,平日來真的沒人耶~!沒人哪裡都好玩~!An old street in Hukou. Tourists  are rarely seen on weekdays. 到處都是古色古香Seeing the world through an arch.   湖......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-07-29 15:22 | 人氣:963 | 回應:2
鳶山是個可以提供三峽民眾健身的好地方,此為鳶山大鐘。Mt. Yuan is a great place for people to exercise. The thing in the pic is the Mt.Yuan Bell. 從高處往下看,可以看到鶯歌系統......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-07-29 14:41 | 人氣:1169 | 回應:4
天色變化最劇烈的時候就是日出跟日落了。 今天又來追一下夕陽。The best time to see the ever-changing colors from the sky is at the sunset and the sunrise. I went to 竹圍 for the suns......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-07-29 14:06 | 人氣:542 | 回應:1
從網路上看到可以參觀監察院,就帶著Ipad 和相機跑來囉... I saw some info about visiting the Control Yuan on the Net, so I took my Ipad and camera with me to Taipei. 長廊裡,駐衛警的......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-07-29 13:52 | 人氣:835 | 回應:1
  夏天天氣好~ 天天都是看夕陽天The weather in summer is really adorable. Every day is a perfect day to enjoy the sunset.欣賞別人的攝影角度Appreciating the angle of shooting fro......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-07-16 00:45 | 人氣:597 | 回應:2
  就是這個光~! 今天去鳶山終於看到了@@ 夕陽無限好~ 只是近黃昏This is it!~ All the effort has paid off.  We finally arrived in time for the sunset at Mt. Yuan. Though the v......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-07-16 00:34 | 人氣:1057 | 回應:3
  之前來過,不過沒用餐,今天來這吃飯順便看夜景囉~! 好喝的奇異果汁~!We have been here before, but we didn't order any meals at that time. This time, we ordered something to eat......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-06-27 12:42 | 人氣:419 | 回應:2
  \高鐵~! 好靠近喔~So close ~ HSR~!新聞報那麼大,就要來看一下,雖然高鐵比桃園的近,不過吃喝的東西不怎麼優秀。We had to come since it was all over the news. Though it is much c......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-06-26 23:32 | 人氣:3562 | 回應:2
  這是一家做襪子的工廠,結合了店面銷售,看起來還ok,影片很用心做。This is a sock factory including their sales channels. The film is good and mainly about their sock productio......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-06-26 23:17 | 人氣:872 | 回應:3
  秀傳醫院是個非常友善的醫院~! 為什麼呢?! 因為裡面一點藥味也沒有,而且讓人有置身於百貨公司的錯覺..Show Chwan Hospital is a very user-friendly one. There is no smell of medicin......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-06-26 19:35 | 人氣:610 | 回應:3
  之前有來過台灣玻璃館好幾次,不過外面的廟當時還沒有蓋好,今天經過順便來看看囉We have been to Taiwan Glass Gallery several times, but they didn't finish building it until rece......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-06-26 16:19 | 人氣:562 | 回應:1
  天氣超級熱~!! 還是要出門七投~! 今天來彰化拜訪幾個觀光工廠,第一個就是大統囉~!有台灣的小池ㄟ~!Though it was super hot, we still decided to go out and have fun. We decided to ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-06-26 15:59 | 人氣:852 | 回應:1
  不得不承認我常常逛年代看有沒有歌手要開演唱會 去捧場一下@@I have to admit that I often check out whether or not there is going to be a music concert of a certain singer at Er......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-06-16 09:05 | 人氣:712 | 回應:0
  五月是油桐花開的時節'。我們來承天寺朝聖囉。裡面有很多小佛像。May is the month for may flowers to bloom. We came to Cheng Tian Temple for the may flowers.There are a lot of l......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-06-16 01:43 | 人氣:776 | 回應:3

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