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user home dir 在遠端機器上?

如果 user home dir 在遠端機器上, 是用 NFS 掛載來的檔案系統,

詳 cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/defaults/filelock.conf


# config file for filelock.pl

# filelocktype
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# this can be either 'flock' or 'dotfile'
# Set this to 'dotfile' to use .lock file for filelock
# 'dotfile' lock is only recommended if the mailspool or user's homedir
# are located on an remote nfs server and the lockd on your nfs server
# or client has problems
# ps: the freebsd/linux nfs may need 'dotfile'. solaris doesn't.

# filelocktype  dotfile

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