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The 26th GMA: Face to face with Randy Jackson

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American Idol Judge Randy Jackson Celebrates Birthday at Taiwan’s 26th Golden Melody Awards & Festival




(Taipei, Taiwan,June 25) The Golden Melody Awards, the most influential music award ceremony in the Mandarin pop world, is equivalent to America’s Grammy Awards, and its 4-day music conference was held at the Grand Hyatt Taipei in Taiwan.t


The conference had a hidden agenda that was not publicly announced until the last minute, where Randy Jackson, former American Idol judge and the Grammy Award-winning producer, delivered one of the most important keynote speeches, where it was only open to media and high level industry executives.


Sitting down with Zoe Lin – Taiwan Television senior anchor and Golden Melody Awards project leader – Randy was given a surprise cake at the beginning of the talk for his birthday, since he had to spent it on the plane ride to Taipei.


As Randy expressed his excitement for being in Taiwan and at the Golden Melody Awards for the first time, he also explained why a successful entrepreneur such as himself was interested in coming to Mandarin world’s biggest music event. “This is the perfect place for the introduction of the East meets the West. Now that I am here in Taiwan, the center of Mandopop, I am looking forward to collaborate with the Golden Melodies, and find the next superstar for the international market.”


Randy went on to talk about how it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, “it is all about the song, the song, and the song! Got to find that uniqueness within yourself, the IT factor.” Once you’ve created and found that hit song, everything will fall in place. Artists need to stay focused on their goal, just like the race horses that wear blinkers, because they cannot afford to lose any seconds or get effected by looking at their opponents.

Jackson will be walking on the Golden Melody Awards red carpet on Saturday evening with Janet Hsieh, the Taiwanese-American celebrity that models, writes and hosts FUN TAIWAN on the Discovery Travel and Living Channel. They will also be presenting two awards – the Best Album Producer and the Best Album in the instrumental category.

Randy Jackson as the guest of honor of GMA.

台長: Mike

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