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2004-01-14 11:07:49| 人氣135| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Satoshi Tomiie - Undulation 1

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Label: Saw Recordings
Release Date: 10/14/2003

This is a continuous in-the-mix CD compiled and mixed by Satoshi Tomeii and Hector Romero.

Track List

1.Medway & Sean Cusick – Sketch
2.Blue Haze / Bipath - Rumble Funk / Paranoize
3.Missy Zeze & Presslaboys - E.F.X (European Fusion X-Perience)
4.Cass / Madam - Kenjin / Penetration
5.Madam - Penetration (Madam Vs. Bipath Flipped Dub)
6.Subway Baby - Tribes Of Khan Gala (DJ Gogo remix)
7.Lexicon Avenue - Why R U Here (The Hard mix)
8a.Stephane K – Numb (Meat Katie Mix)
8b.Meat Katie – K-Hole
8c.Lexicon Avenue – Why R U Here (Acapella)
9. Lexicon Avenue - Why R U Here (The House Heads mix)
10. Satoshi Tomiie Presents Ice - Scandal In New York (Undulation version)
11. Rob Rives - Let Yourself Go (Melody remix)
12. Echomen - Cure (Undulation version)


台長: 小中
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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