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Echomen - Cure (Dragon Dub)

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Echomen – Cure (Dragon Dub)
Progressive House
16 September,2003

'Cure' is a classic feel good loose yourself too song. The "Dragon" dub featured on the B side shows how diverse a production team Echomen can be. 'Cure' is featured on Saw Recordings' new 'Undulation 1' compilation.

"Cure" is a more spacey prog track, slightly dark and moody with those undeniable synth sweeps and chords, and solid bassline that make the prog fans weak at the knees, before a vocal track come sin and steals the show. On the flip, the "Dragon Dub" toughens the bassline up and strips out the vocal track, leaving a pretty hard-nosed prog track with the synths taking center stage on this mix while the vocal get s reduced to filtered stabs.

台長: 小中
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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