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2005-01-16 07:16:50| 人氣22| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

AXC - Confession Part One - Da Bad is Changed.

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Here we go.

This will be my confessions,da true words from AXC Tiger.

We all live in this material world
The irony is,the more we see on the surface,the emptier it is inside.
We're all lookin' for something in life,but all end up gettin' nothing.
Empty dreams,empty lives.

But we all change for once.Good and Bad changes.
As for me,the Bad in me is killed.
Thought I was a Bad one,guess I never discovered the good in me.
Then things changed.
Met some people,saw some smiles.
And the Bad could no longer take over my mind.
Couldn't act no more.That my emotion could get so much involved.
For the first time I feared,the fear of losing those I love.
Then I know,I don't have to be someone I'm not.
So many things other than money I wanna keep.
So many people other than myself I wanna know.
That was how I changed.
Now I'm no longer a material person.
Although the Bad might still exist,but I would bet on the Good if they start a fight.
This is who I am.
The Chaotic kid,the anarchism,but not the Bad.
Da Tiger is Back!CHAOS for Life!

One last thing,"True Love For God!"

台長: §=†_CHAOS_†=§
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