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2005-12-08 06:34:29| 人氣189| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I Will Be Loved Tonight.....

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Well, pop the champagne,
break out the cologne;
turn up the moonlight and turn off the phone.
Well,what a surprise,
a man is in sight;
and I will be loved tonight.

To fondle his skin,
to savor his lips;
to nuzzle his chin,
to move with his hips.
our words will be soft as we softly ignite;
and I will be loved tonight.

You can go from week to week,
you can go from year to year;
not a hand placed on your cheek,
not a whisper in your ear.
You can make it through okay,
you can live and laugh, and flirt.

It’s quite easy in the day;
its just the nights ....that always hurt.

So let darkness come,
’cause that will be fine;
for I’ll have a soul entangled in mine.
We’ll do as we please,
and please... hold me tight.
For I will be loved,
I will be loved.

Yes, I will be loved....tonight.


台長: Holy
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友) | 個人分類: 心情物語 |

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