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2004-12-24 03:00:24| 人氣97| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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31歲了.....再過二天, 其實也沒什麼不好的, 長了點智識、看起來憔悴些, 比較起其他31歲的人倒是好上一點點(感謝父母生的好), 比起在職場裡打滾了N 年的31歲要窮了一點兒, 現在這個時候千里馬濟濟但只是伯樂難尋, 世道太好/亂, 人的煩惱更多了。。。

有人問, 自己過啊? "yeah, why not?" 我說, no biggies~ 這句話是對也不對; 對, 活動會結束、電影也會終場、飯也有吃完的時候嘛, 一個人? sure...

為什麼不對? 親戚的聖誕飯局要參加, 得和表弟妹們hang一下, 和姑姑交代一下為什麼三推四請一年只來二次(one for thanxgiving and one for Xmas~), 胡亂吃一些就趕緊離開, 屬於家的節日就留給一家人吧, 五年下來通常吃完這頓飯總有活動可以參加、有地方可以去, 即使沒有party也總有三兩好友來家裡串門子、喝喝酒, 今天就冷清多了, 姑姑家的飯還是要吃, 但是之後就沒戲了, 只好回家吃自已(and Billy Bob, if u know what I mean…..)。

也好啦…..難得找個時間靜一靜, 歲末反省一下, 哈~

For PCHome, I think it’s ashamed that I wasn’t devoted enough to write more and using photos instead sometimes. But it’s good that I have an alternative way to express my feelings on-line. It’s better than other place and this is free. It’s better hanging out with people you don’t actually know in the club in the middle of the night, trying to chat and drink meaninglessly. It’s a place for myself and for people who knows me or happened to see this place. I’m not a writer or anything but it’s a place that I can talk and communicate with myself. It’s good to see people responses to me and I’m loved to have this for this whole year of 2004.

2004 is almost over, and here I’d like to say something that I barely say to anyone.

I love all of you and have a safe holiday even you’re not in America. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to everyone and best wishes to anyone/anything around you! Happy Holiday!!!


台長: CentauR
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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