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2005-05-09 18:58:01| 人氣106| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Am I good enough for you?

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There was a time

when I couldn't understand

how come I was so good but no one appreciated me

how come some people more ordinary than I am

even less smart

could walk with their boyfriends

hand in hand

There was also a time

when I finally realized

maybe I am tall and slender

but for Taiwanese men

I am just toooooooooooooo tall

maybe I am not stupid

maybe I read a lot

maybe I have good learning in literature, music and movies,

but for Taiwanese men

I might be just too sophisticated

they don't really care about books and poems

neither do they know much about literature, music and movies

On the other hand,

as to what they are interested, such as stocks and money management,

I am just a total idiot.

Some people say that I am just too good ...

But I myself think that I am just too bad ...

for Taiwanese men ...

And now I meet this man

whom I want to be along with all the time.

When I look at him, I feel peace.


am I good enough for him?

What can I give him?

Except for a true heart and good intention,

I have nothing to give

even though I want to give him

all I have.

I feel I am empty.

Too slow to tell jokes,

too naive to understand many things,

too out-of-the-world to participate in his life,

too childish to touch his heart.

Am I good enough for him?

Am I qualifed to love him?

台長: capriccios


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