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2006-10-26 03:41:37| 人氣263| 回應4 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Halloween will come

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This weekend

Ha Trick or Treat ,I will get a lot of snikers for the future ,cool huh?

台長: 阿style烈
人氣(263) | 回應(4)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

dont eat the candy that is open. :P they always tell us that. and dont to eat too much candy either @.@ hehe, have fun ^^
2006-10-26 13:18:47
A handsome father &
What’s up?Where is there?What are you doing there ?Ha~~~~~~Wish you having a happy Hallowen’s day!!
2006-10-26 13:54:34
Woah! that’s so awesome! it’s your dad... :] and you both write the same way!
2006-10-27 04:59:15
A handsome father
Hi!Yung!!Nice to meet you!You are the best friend of Henry in foreign,I heard.I wish you can come to Taiwan someday. Because I am going to bit you in basketball court!!Ha~Don’t be afraid!My coach is Henry Lee@#%#% Bye...
2006-10-27 10:38:56
He can’t play baskteball@@,but he has another talented in some subjects.
2006-10-28 04:22:26
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