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學英文影集推薦 中高級英檢 waterbound macadam中文意思是什麼

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    一對一線上英語 英文學習軟體 怎麼學英文伴讀 英文 英文補習班臺北 免費英聽網站toeic多益單字 澳門學英文一對的英文 兒童美語學習網站英語會話家教 全民英檢gept安親班選擇 全民英檢報名簡章台灣英語教學 線上英文補習生活美語會話下載 學美語



waterbound macadam中文意思是什麼

waterbound macadam解釋

進修 英文 學英文聽力 免費英文app結碎石路

  • macadam: n. 1. 碎石(路);碎石路面。2. 〈M-〉麥克亞當〈姓氏〉。

  • Next moment his nose was buried in the macadam and his right knee was out through his torn garment.

  • On the quality control of the cement stable macadam base 日常英文會話 上班族學英文 免費英文學習

  • Construction quality control of cement stabilized macadam base

  • Cement stabilized macadam subbase mechanized construction and technical points

  • Through the marshall experiment and the low temperature crazing - resistance intensity experiment, which work on the asphalt - rubber macadam, fiberglass asphalt macadam indoors, we have got various kinds of experimental data, carrying out experiment by means of the method of mathematical statistics, we have got various kinds of experimental data. dealing with the experimental data by means of the method of mathematical statistics, through contrast and analyzing, we have put forward the best suitable rate of the three asphalt macadam, hi the laboratory asphalt macadam, in the laboratory and the asphalt mixtures blending gathering plane, we have groped after paving technology of the asphalt - rubber macadam


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    waterbound macadam中文意思是什麼
      高級英檢 線上英文文法學英文遊戲 英國遊學美語 中級英檢 初試初級英檢單字 線上一對一英文 全民英檢初級單字英文免費學習網站 英文 一對一 推薦英文口語 新竹弋果美語 數學家教班英文 國小 會話英語學英文影集推薦 中高級英檢英語會話家教 全民英檢gept菲律賓學英文 全球英檢 英文留學


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