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全英語教學英文 快樂學英語 英檢 real-time wd中文意思是什麼

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real-time wd中文意思是什麼

real-time wd解釋

  • real: adj 1 真實的,真正的 (opp sham ) 實際的,現實的 ( opp ideal) 事實上的,實質上的 (opp nominal...
  • time: n 1 時,時間,時日,歲月。2 時候,時刻;期間;時節,季節;〈常pl 〉時期,年代,時代; 〈the time ...
  • wd: 1. would. 2. wiring diagram 電路圖;接線圈。

  • Secondly, the state monitoring system for the acentric compressor machine sets is designed including hardware and software. the system manages to monitor the real - time states and can successfully analyze and diagnose exceptions on the machine sets

  • In chapter 4, a new data mining - based adaptive models generation ( amg ) is introduced. amg is a real - time architecture for implementing data mining - based intrusion detection system

    第四章:介紹基於數據挖掘自適應模型生成( amg ) , amg是提供了一個基於數據挖掘的實時入侵檢測結構。
  • ( 3 ) a new framework about data mining - based adaptive models generation ( amg ) is introduced. through the experiment of real - time snort system, it makes the academic and practicable base in order to design practicable system of intrusion detection in the future

    ( 3 )引人基於數據挖掘的amg架構,通過snort實時系統的使用,為進一步設計實用的基於數據挖掘的入侵檢測系統打下理論和實踐基礎。
  • As a new interface caters for rapid development of computer peripheral equipment, universal serial bus ( for short usb ) dispels astriction of communication through traditional serial port and parallel port. it is very suitable for real time image data transmission, which requires high speed. this theme describes two - circuit systems, which utilize usb interface to data from a digital image sensor to pc

    為了迎合計算機上設的快速發展以及消除計算機外設通過串、並口的通訊的局限性,出現了新的計算機外設介面usb (通用串列總線) ,這種新型介面對于實時的視頻傳輸很適用,本文設計了兩套電腦眼基於ez - usb2131q的usb介面系統。 英語 美日語補習班
  • Due to the image exists the instances of spin and distortion, in order adopting part small template proceed matching in order to reduce thereof impacts by as possible, besides small template matching may decrease calculation quantity, and it is propitious to real time of matching. looking into be on the impact of illumination, chromatism, under cloak circumstance template size and quantity select versus matching rate. matching primitive chooses gray, gray informat中級英檢文法 行動教學ion measure large and most easy to obtain, but it is rather effected by illumination condition and chromatism, maximum matching rate restricted to 70 %


    a, a-bomb, a-energy

    real-time wd中文意思是什麼
      網路學英文 免費 英語日常對話快速學英文方法 台灣英語教育德文 線上 理化 英文菲律賓學英文 國中英文補習班推薦 學習英文方法全英語教學英文 快樂學英語 英檢英文 台北 線上家教網 國小英文教材在職進修英文 教英文 快速學英文方法學英文的電影 補習班課程 美語學習全民英檢班 成人英語教學 多益自學一對一英文家教 高中英文教材


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