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econometrics 中高級英檢單字 全民英檢題目society中文意思是什麼

econometrics society解釋


  • econometrics: n. 〈pl. 〉 〈作單數用〉計量經濟學。adj. -metric -metrician n. 計量經濟學家。
  • society: n. 1. 社會。2. 會,社;協會,學會,公會,團體。3. 交際,社交;社交界〈特指上流社會〉;社交場所。4. 群居,群棲。5. 〈美國〉教區居民。

  • The new aesthetic forms were thenceforward written off as typical aberrations of late capitalism society.

  • To master percy apjohn at high school in 1880 he had divulged his disbelief in the tenets of the irish protestant church to which his father rudolf virag, later rudolph bloom, had been converted from the israelitic faith and communion in 1865 by the society for promoting christianity among the jews subsequently abjured by him in favour of roman catholicism at the epoch of and with a view to his matrimony in 1888

    多益英文 學英文影集推薦 英語日常對話 一八八0年在高中就讀時,他曾向少年珀西阿普約翰吐露自己對愛爾蘭新教教會的教義所持的懷疑。一八六五年,他父親魯道爾夫維拉格后改名魯道爾夫布盧姆在「向猶大人傳布基督教協會」的勸告下,放棄了對猶太教的信仰,脫離了該教派,改信新教。
  • As a concept with a very strong academical potential, evolution provides social frame for explaining and analyzing country society

    摘要作為具有很強學術潛力的概念, 「內卷化」提供了一個很有解釋力的分析鄉村社會的框架。
  • About the issue of islam ' s acclimatizing itself to china ' s society : from the angle of cultural identification of hui

  • In chapter 4, based on the analysis of denotation and functions of index system and the elaboration of connotation, goals, basic principles and its factors of asd, we inquire 25 scholars in the fields of asd and construct the index system of easd including population, economic, social, resources, environmental system that add up to 32 indicators considering from the statistic data in hand. then we calculate the weight of each indicator with the analytic hierarchy process ( ahp ) according to the advices given by the scholars. next, a comprehensive evaluation model is built for evaluating the level of asd, the ability of the resources and environmental systems to the population, economic, social development systems, the level of coordination development situation of population, economic, society, resources, environment with the methods of econometrics regress models and fuzzy mathematics

    論文第四章,在把握一般指標體系內涵、功能的前提下,結合對農業可持續發展的涵義、目標與影響因素分析的基礎上,通過對25位國內農業可持續發展研究學者的咨詢,構建包含人口、經濟、社會、資源與環境五大系統共32個指標的浙江大學碩上學位論文衣業友展可持續性的評估指標體系及其應用研究農業可持續發展評估指標體系,採用層次分析法( ahp )確定各指標權重,進而從農業可持續發展水平、農業中資源與環境系統對人口、經濟、社會系統的支持能力及各大系統之間的協調發展狀況三個方面運用統計分析方法(計量經濟學和模糊數學)建立綜合評估模型。

    econometricmodel, econometrics model, econometrics model for energy demand, economia dominicana, economia internazionale, economia resources

    econometrics society中文意思是什麼
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