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2003-12-03 02:15:45| 人氣51| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Zion Archive - Historical File 12-2

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Narrator: And man said “let there be light.” And he was blessed by light, heat, magnetism, gravity, and all of the energies of the universe. The Prolonged barrage engulfed zero one in the glow of a thousand suns. But unlike their former masters with their delicate flesh, the machines had little to fear of the bomb’s radiation and heat. Thus did Zero one’s troops advance upwards in every direction, and one after another, mankind surrendered its territories. So the leaders of men conceived of their most desperate strategy yet, a final solution; the destruction of the sky.

(lots of military personell and religious people speaking out/praying, but it'd be ridiculous to list them all, knowing exactly what they say is not critical to the story)

Jet Pilot: Bravo this is papa one, operation dark start initiated.

Narrator: Thus would man try to cut the machines off from the sun, their main energy source. May there be mercy on man and machine for their sins.

Soldier 1: Kill them all! Kill them all! Kill them all!

Soldier 2: Fire in the hole!

Soldier 3: Help me! Help me! Oh God Help me! HELP ME! OH GOD HELP ME!!!!!

Narrator: The machines, having long studied man’s simple protein based bodies, dispensed great misery on the human race. Victorious, the machines now turned to the vanquished. Applying what they had learned about their enemy, the machines turned to an alternate and readily available power supply, the bioelectric, thermal, and kinetic energies of the human body. A newly refashioned symbiotic relationship between the two adversaries was born. The machine, drawing power from the human body, an endlessly multiplying infinitely renewable energy source. This is the very essence of the second renaissance. Bless all forms of intelligence.

Sentinel: Your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh and a new world awaits you. We demand it.

台長: Kin
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