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2008-02-06 13:53:15| 人氣111| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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When I saw you for the first time, I knew you were the one.
You didn’t say a word to me, but love was in the air.
When you held my hand, put me into your world,
from then on my mind has changed for you.
Now I’ll never feel lonely again

cause you are in my heart.
Love, how can I explain to you
the way I feel inside when I think of you.
I thank you for everything that you show me,
cause you will not forget that I love you.

Love, I know that someday will soon you’ll be right next to me.
Whole day miss you tight so I will always be yours.
Although we can`t be together now,
remember I am here for you, when I know you’re there for me.

When ever I long to be with you,
I just close my eyes and pretend you’re here.
I see you I touch you I feel you, I will.
Nothing can ever change what I feel inside.

How long must I be far away from you,
I don`t know, too, but I know we are one.

台長: 情碎夢醒〃熊
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