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2010-08-17 23:24:20| 人氣78| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

"WE" language!

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While we girls chat with their girlfriends, they use to say "WE" language, like...
"WE" went to a fantastic restaurant for celebrating a big day.
Or "WE" both love to do something blahblah...that kind of stuff.

See? That’s it.
It's just like a warning, showing that 'hey! We're in a good relationship now.'
And they hear their men use the "WE" language to his buddies, it will be the greatest thing in the world and make the relationship more unbreakable.

But if you use this language just in two of u, it may not work.
Why? Cuz all the topics will be only around u two, not others.
Isn’t it too narrow? And what if u two don’t have anything in common but only LOVE?
Can this relationship be lasting forever?

There is no certain answers.
Just some doubts that I’m confused and wanna share with.

So...when men say, "Just two of US,"
it may be so touching at first but later on I think I’m gonna take a deep consideration.

By あや

台長: ヽ(・∀・+)ノ
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: *DEEP IN HEART* |

2010-08-18 16:51:05
ヽ( ´ー`)ノ
Just some thoughts. That's it.
2010-08-19 10:46:16
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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