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Vaporesso QF Solo Kit vs Smok Stick V9 Max Kit

Vaporesso QF Solo Kit

The Vaporesso QF Solo kit, like the Vaporesso Sky Solo kit, is a typical pen style kit. The difference is that the QF Solo kit has a 3000mAh built-in battery and 2 capacity, 8ml, and 2ml for vapors to choose. The same thing is that the Vaporesso QF Solo kit also has the most advanced OMNI Board Mini regulated chip to ensure excellent performance and product safety.

Smok Stick V9 Max Kit

You will clearly see from its name that the SMOK Stick V9 Max Starter Kit is thriving to bring you a gigantic vaping experience! As a new upgraded version of Stick V8 series, it consists of a Stick V9 Max battery and a Stick V9 Max tank. For the "Max", you can tell from its 4000mAh battery capacity and its large outside diameter in stick and tank. No doubt, they're perfectly compatible with each other. As for the Stick V9 Max tank, it has a massive e-liquid capacity with 8.5ml, and it's specially designed for Stick V9 Max by adopting Mini V2 S1 and Mini V2 S2 coils.

More Cheap Vape Deals On AVE40 , just check this link: https://www.ave40.com/

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