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2007-02-14 00:23:06| 人氣53| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Good Kind

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The Good Kind
The Wreckers
by Michelle Branch & Jessica Harp

"Do you wanna run away together?"
I would say it was your best line ever
Too bad i fell for it
And i walked alone
Waiting for you to come along
Take my tortured heart by the hand
And write me off
Do you know i cry?
Do you know i die?
Do you know i cry?
And it’s not the good kind
You forced me to become strong
When i just cried, being weak
And you think you know
And i would like to think so
But do you know that when you go
I fall apart...
Do you know i cry?
Do you know i die?
Do you know i cry?
And it’s not the good kind
No, you’re not the good kind
I’m tired of hiding
behind these lying eyes
I’m tired of this smile
that even i don’t recognize
Do you know i cry?
Do you know i die?
Do you know i cry?
And it’s not the good kind
Do you know i cry?
Do you know i die?
Do you know i cry?
And it’s not the good kind
Do you know i cry?
Do you know i die?
Do you know i cry?
And it’s not the good kind
No, you’re not the good kind
Do you know i cry?

台長: 苹果薄荷冰
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