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BabyBjörn Highchair 設計式樣: Wei? · 2018

Nowadays in the stressful time eating meals together with the whole family is an important event and valuable time for all. The better it is that your little sweetheart is provided with the BabyBjörn highchair which ensures that s/he can enjoy their meals together with you at the table.

The highchair has been developed in close collaboration with parents and paediatricians and is suitable for your little one from an age of approx. 6 months (as soon as your darling is able to sit unaided) up to an age of approx. 3 years (max. body height 95 cm). The highchair can also be adapted to the current size of your growing child.

Thanks to the embracing, curved backrest your child can sit upright and in a comfortable way. The adjustable, shell-shaped table top can be used as tray or safety bar which prevents your little one from standing up or dropping out. You don't even need to secure your child with a safety-belt and the two-level safety lock cannot be opened neither by your sweetie nor by older siblings. Due to the highchair's special shape, it is particularly easy for you to put your child in the seat and lift him out of it again. The table top of the high chair features a smooth surface and has no slits or cracks in which leftovers could be stuck - that way, you can easily wipe it clean by using a damp cloth. Furthermore, the table top is positioned close to your little one's belly which prevents leftovers from falling onto its lap. The table top is dishwasher-safe. All these features make the BabyBjörn highchair stand out as a very hygienic companion.

The materials used for this highchair (plastic and varnished steel) is easy-to-care, resilient and durable as well as PVC-free and BPA-free. Due to its space-saving shape and convenient handling you can fold and store the highchair in a quick and easy way. That way, your little one is provided with a safe and comfortable seat wherever you go. Please make sure that the safety lock is always closed properly before your child is put into the seat. Furthermore, you should never leave your child sitting in the chair unattended or without supervision. That way, you can feel reassured that your little one is safe so that you can enjoy having all your meals together.


  • Suitable for babies and infants from approx. 6 months up to an age of 3 years (max. body height 95 cm)

  • Childproof, two-level safety-lock
  • 優惠網站網友開箱介紹

  • Curved backrest which embraces the body of your child

  • Adjustable, easy-to-clean (safety) tray

  • Smooth surface without slits or cracks in which leftovers could be stuck

  • Resilient, durable materials, PVC-free and BPA-free

  • Weight: approx. 5 kg

  • Weight during use: 83 cm

  • Height/width/depth folded: 50 x 44 x 25 cm

  • Effortless installation without any tools




BabyBjorn 餐椅





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[新頭殼newtalk] 2016年震驚全球的「巴拿馬文件」,揭露全球政商高層避稅醜聞。事件至今,美國當局今天(5日)首次對涉案事務所人員提出訴訟,本次共起訴4名涉案男子。





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全國首創!新北路邊停車App以「分」計費 明起雙和上線試辦

聽膩了手機內建的鬧鐘鈴聲嗎?早起有困難的人現在有了新選擇!音樂串流服務Spotify今宣布攜手Google推出專屬Android系統使用的Spotify鬧鐘,讓大家可以瞬間把全球3,500萬首歌的資料庫輕鬆變成自己的專屬鬧鈴歌單!此功能正式上線之後,Android手機使用者只需要下載並開啟「Google時鐘」App,連結並認證Spotify帳號,即可自行建立專屬於自己的鬧鈴歌單,或是讓Spotify自動依照你的聆聽喜好,推薦適合的歌曲幫你喚醒一天精神。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 想要建立自己的鬧鈴歌單,可以在「Google時鐘」App內點選「鬧鐘」,找尋即時音樂推薦,或直接搜尋並選擇任何Spotify上的歌曲、專輯、歌手團體、或是歌單來作為明天一早的起床鬧鐘聲,用戶亦可自Spotify官方的早晨歌單《I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning》、《Have a Great Day!》和《Songs to Sing in the Shower》點選喜歡的歌曲,而免費用戶也能藉由隨機播放的方式來體驗此項全新合作功能。如果想要為早晨持續注入個人風格的音樂活力,使用者也可以在「Google時鐘」建立個人化的歌曲推薦清單,並可在關閉鬧鐘的同時,點選「持續播放」選項,無縫接軌繼續聆聽歌單音樂,讓自己精神滿滿的開始充實的一天。此項新功能目前僅適用於Android用戶,並將在近日於全球65個Spotify營運市場正式推出。除了特定Android行動裝置已有內建「Google時鐘」,其他Android用戶可前往Google Play商店免費下載應用程式。Spotify宣布攜手Google推出專屬Android系統使用的Spotify歌曲鬧鐘。圖/Spotify提供 分享 facebook

BabyBjorn 餐椅

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