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小情侶簽悔過書 20歲才能再見面 腳臭


小情侶簽悔過書 20歲才能再見面

〔自由時報記者吳仁捷/新北報導〕16歲莊姓少女不滿雙親禁止她交男友,負氣逃家,與17歲周姓男友在外共處12天,警方尋獲兩人,雙方都未成年,周少收容少女恐構成和誘罪,少女為免小男友吃上官司,前天在警局簽下悔過書,約定雙方滿20歲成年時再見面,否則願負法律責任,少女還擁抱男友深情泣別,互道「20歲時再見」。為情逃家 怕男友吃官司讀醫專一年級的莊姓少女,因家長禁止她與周少交往,且沒收手機、筆電,5月4日從永和住處負氣逃家,家長找不到人,求助新北市警局尋人高手蔡淑女。蔡淑女查出周少住處,輾轉追出少女12天來與周少棲身在中壢一處破舊民宅。海山警分局戶口組組長游士漢說,周少收容少女,涉及和誘罪,若女方家長堅持提告,恐面臨3年以下刑責。莊姓少女聽聞向雙親求情,家長決定不對周少提告,但周少的母親自認管不住兒子,擔心兒子吃官司,堅持兩人20歲前不得再聯繫。雙方家長要求不得聯繫最後在雙方家長要求下,少男少女在警局簽下成年後(滿20歲)再見面,否則願負法律責任的悔過書。少女在悔過書中指兩人1個月前在龍潭結識,因父親沒收手機、筆電,威脅男友,才搭計程車到桃園住了12天,決為自己幼稚行為付出代價,滿20歲後雙方再見面。少女抱男友深情泣別周少也在悔過書中表示,對造成女方父母心力交瘁感到內疚、不安,希望女方家長原諒。天下新鮮事 盡在FUN影音 Description Toggle View View View View View View 1 - 6 / 6 Photo: Courtesy Maria Kang/FacebookMaria Kang: 'What’s Your Excuse' Facebook MomWithout a doubt, our most controversial parent of 2013 was this California fitness expert, blogger, and mother of three.... 較多Photo: Courtesy Maria Kang/FacebookMaria Kang: 'What's Your Excuse' Facebook MomWithout a doubt, our most controversial parent of 2013 was this California fitness expert, blogger, and mother of three. She spent much of October and November defending a photo of herself scantily clad after it prompted a cavalcade of critics on Facebook critics to accuse her of fat-shaming women. The story spread like wildfire online, and then, in late November, she was in the spotlight again, this time for writing a pot-stirring Facebook post about plus-size women in lingerie. But the media storm has not silenced her. "It made me stronger in my convictions," Kang tells Yahoo Shine. Since it all began, "I am more criticized, especially with my views on the normalization of our nation's obesity crisis," she added. "But there is no polite way to say half our nation will be obese by 2030; our children are suffering from adult health-related diseases and our fat acceptance movement - which promotes a psychological positive body image over actual health - is a dangerous place to be." 較少 1 / 6 Shine 2013年10月15日週二 台北標準時間上午3時00分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image


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