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2003-07-12 05:51:48| 人氣42| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【I love you】

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At the first time I saw you, I certainly knew..... I have fallen in love with you.....
It’s you gave me lots of joy and happiness past months.....
Because having your love, my life became much more colorful day by day.....
I do understand I will love you deeply and deeply from now on.....

I am so sorry my immature attitude broken both of our heart....

Thank you for gives a chance to us!

Today, we made a promise to wait 3 years for each other.....

I promise you that I will only love you within these 3 years.....
My heart will always keep a space for you......
Expecting we could come back to love again and forever!

I will firmly wait for the day of July 12, 2006.


台長: 安東尼.翔
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