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2006-01-18 22:55:06| 人氣103| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I really love you very much, does not know whether you will accept me afterwards. No matter whether you will promise me afterwards, my love to you never changes, I will be liking you all the time. I swear: The love to you will only increase but will not reduce.

I really very much love you, did not know whether you later will be able to accept me No matter your whether later will be able to promise me, I not once have changed to your Ido brand, I will be sure to continuously to like you I pledged that, Only can increase to your love but cannot reduce

台長: ×笨笨〃小雨~
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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