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2022-02-12 17:38:06| 人氣9| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Reza Moridi Yekio Daram

I have one that if it's nothing, it's a piece of the moon I have one that if it rains, the peak of my stomach will burn and the salt will spill. Bring your umbrella, come, open the glasses, come, now give us a beautiful heart, come Do not lock our hearts, oh my eyes, when you laugh, it seems like sugar melts in my heart Bring your umbrella, come, open the glasses, come, now give us a beautiful heart, come Do not lock our hearts, oh my eyes, when you laugh, it seems like sugar melts in my heart Add a pinch of salt to the fire and burn it. What a good feeling a lover has to tell us a story about you on the street Bring your umbrella, come, open the glasses, come, now give us a beautiful heart, come Do not lock our hearts, oh my eyes, when you laugh, it seems like sugar melts in my heart Bring your umbrella, come, open the glasses, come,now give us a beautiful heart, come Do not lock our hearts, oh my eyes, when you laugh, it seems like sugar melts in my heart

台長: andymandy
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