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2002-12-28 15:55:32| 人氣19| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

New Year 2003

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wow...i can't believe that 2002 is going to be over! there are 3 more days till 2003.
recap of the year...
hmm...it is absolutely an amazing year, but full of heartbroken love.
ok, first all, i'm glad i finally got over my ex around February, and can get rid of "liking" someone but befriend with him instead. now, i am really good friend with him, which is my of my pride!
in March, i met someone very special online, and we have emailed each other every day for 2 months that i had the illusion i was in love with him. That's Greg! phew...i can take a deep breath and speak out his name finally. what a relief!
in May, i had the first car accident in my life. i was kinda badly wounded and stayed in hospital for almost a week; that was definitely an unforgettable experience. =I at least, this accident made me get over Greg.
in the Summer, LB2K2 FOREVER!!YAY!!
well, i had THE BEST SUMMER ever in my life. i met sooo many nice people from the camp, and fortunately, i am still in touch with some of my favorite friends. i love ya all! that was when i truely enjoy every day of my life, and i felt i was living a real me! but the sad thing from the camp is that i liked someone from the camp, which has made me sad for 4 months, even until now. hmm...i am thinking if i can tell u the name of him just like that i did with Greg. i can't say i'm already over him right now, but i am trying, ok? it is actually very hard. i should try not to think of the happy time we once shared, not even look forward to his emails n' stuff. that would probably be the best way to get over someone. yeah...so Forever Goodbye, Ed. i will like u no more. i never know ur true feelings for me, which tortures me every single minute. maybe u did like me b4, but not any more, i know. so i am moving on my life too. it will still be great to know you this summer. i hope very soon, u will be my ex to me, i can totally get over you or when i think of you, i won't feel hurt again.
well, i think that's probably all for the recap. my year of 2002 is mostly full of heartbroken stuff. how sad! i wish i can be stronger, never cry for love again. dear God, if you can't make me find that someone, then please make me never meet anyone i like again. i have been very tired of this kind of game, so fake!
anywayz, the year of 2003 will definitely be brand new, and Ali's life will be as bright as sunshine again!
thank you for everyone for showed up in my life. right now, Ali is going to have a cheerfully new life!

台長: Ali
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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