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2004-02-18 22:01:16| 人氣142| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The meaning of life?

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Feb. 17th, 2004 V 1.0
(This is also an imcomplete piece as the Harvard piece.)

______________________________The meaning of life? ______________________________

Some guys questioned me if I know the meaning of life. That is quite an amusing question to me. I think I know pretty much of the meaning of the life that you guys would like to learn from me.

I would stop by the sidewalk to squat to look at a snail. It was so amble brown, and translucent. The snail is so cute, and I had to stop my rolling bike to pass it when I saw it.
I would go out in the break of the day to Ocean Beach and stroll from Sloat to Judah.
I would stare at the sky.
I can hear the time flowing.
I hear things and I feel things.
I walked in murky darkness in a forest with an adorable friend for 2 hours till a track came by to pick us up.
I see the frowning expressions on my sister's and my mother's faces. I see the anxious faces wherever I go and sometimes I can get the wrinkles out of their faces. My ex-dorm-mate's mother died in a train accident and she got up to cry in the middle of night and I talked to her and she stopped crying that night after till the semester ended. I am not a superwoman, but I can do quite a few things people would tell me they experienced miracles. Often the times, I like to watch people in coffee shop and in BART or bus, and feel that they are breathing. Not all of them are active. But sometimes I can see they are having something to busy. That's quite nice. They make me feel the rhythm of life. Just like watching aquarium. It is not necessary for me to understand them or feel them well, yet I can feel them.

I would walk around at the living room and feel the moment of happiness. My parents are alive and in good shape. Neither of them suffer severe medical problem. They don't need cranes to walk yet. My father can still run. I can drag my mom to swimming pool to swim with me. I can listen to my mom tell me her special tricks to float and move in the pool. My heart is full of bliss for I feel I have so much all the time. My parents spoil me to rotten. I live in a new house. It's bright and new. None of us like to buy things to accumulate at home at this stage of life. We don't have political parities to go. We don't have to care what the other think much. We don't have to buy fancy cars or customs for maintaining the competition with relatives or friends.

Today the wind is quite big and it blows the treetops so hard that the treetops are dancing Salsa. I enjoyed the way from school to home and stand in the school yard to hear the blowing sound. The sounds brought me back to Wuthering Height, the Scotland plain.

I swam alone in the middle of night and watched the stars in the sky so many nights with the sounds of an artificial waterfall in my grandma's community and a frog around my head. And I even swam once in a Typhoon night.

I've seen and felt quite a few things. I think there is no need for you to doubt if I know the meaning of life or not.

Please just stick on give me ten reasons why women should go to you and complete essays about yourself so I can choose who I'd like to explore the meaning of life with.

Please cross reference to 'Can't stop laughing' in this section.

Nonproductive and uncreative responses are always not welcome. Watch your manners; please swallow your nasty words even if you have lots to spit.

(I should finish the Harvard piece first. But can't find time yet. Got homework to do first. I still regret for losing him till nowadays. However, I do have a viola player friend now. I'm very content.)

台長: UnWanted
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