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2001-09-09 17:20:01| 人氣79| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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我開始四處尋找今天早上適合的音樂,想給自己一點不一樣心情,幾個候選名單中『Iron Maiden』、『Soundgarden』、『Deepest Purple』、『Metallica』……,原本很短暫的閃過『Megadeath』,但是大概因為上次凌晨三點的現場接觸感覺不好,所以先跳過。

今晨獎得獎的是『Metallica』,我手上其實只有他們一張兩張一套現場演唱會的CD『Live in Argentina』。

第二片的開場曲是『Fade to black』,我喜歡那樣的感覺;其實在Metal的音樂裡,我喜歡兩種感覺,一種是一種悵然的感覺,另一種是戰鬥充滿Power的感覺,想像世紀末的人類開始了一場瘋狂的廝殺,在終極武器發射後,終結了戰爭也毀滅了一切,沒有死的人們從瓦礫中看到這個千瘡百孔的星球,不知該慶幸自己是活下來的倖存者,或者該咒罵命運的無情折磨,死去的人不需要再去面對的卻是活著的人必須承受的一切。

Fade To Black

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things are not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filing me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now He's gone
No one but me can save myself, but it to late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death Greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye

想到了高中時候很喜歡的一首歌『When the Children Cry』,是啊,算是『White Lion』的成名曲吧,那是一首超級悲天憫人的歌曲

When the Children Cry (4:20)

little child
dry your crying eyes
how can I explain
the fear you feel inside
cause you were born
into this evil world
where man is killing man
and no one knows just why
what we have become
just look what we have done
all that we destroyed
you must build again

when the children cry
let them know we tried
cause when the children sing
then the new world begins

little child
you must show the way
to a better day
for all the young
cause you were born
for all the world to see
that we all can live
with love and peace
no more presidents
and all the wars will end
one united world
under god

when the children cry
let them know we tried
cause when the children sing
then the new world begins

what we have become
just look what we have done
all that we destroyed
you must build again
no more presidents
and all the wars will end
one united world
under god

when the children cry
let them know we tried
when the children fight
let them know it ain't right
when the children pray
let them know the way
cause when the children sing
then the new world begins



自省的精神不是叫大家看看自己少了什麼然後去跟全世界要,不是叫大家要不到就大聲幹瞧,就隨時準備戰鬥,這樣不就回到紅衛兵的時代,隨時準備階級鬥爭;我以為自省的精神應該來自於,簡單的哲學思考,『我是誰』,『我為什麼來到這個世界』……,以『Fade to black』的歌詞來看,他必須去思考生命的本質究竟是什麼,當然歌詞本身的色彩是灰色了一點,但是,我覺得畢竟是一種自己對自己的思考。


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