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2005-04-02 15:17:37| 人氣143| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Friday, April 01, 2005

finally, it's time for me to write a diary. it's quite a long time no write, isn't it? i dunno. but anyway, these days i was just busying on the computer games and revision. so you know what will it be for my hkcee.

and my birthday's passed recently, so, there's a little celebration on the 28th and 29th. i went shopping with my dearest Ching before a Pizza Hut lunch, and got a mango cake after dinner, on the 28th. and on the 29th, i used my phone to call people to attend my k party in the morning, and got a present forwarded by marco in the afternoon, and then arrived greenbox at 6pm, after waiting two new-school friends, we began our party, at about 8pm, my sister arrived and joined us. it was a good dinner, buffet. and we all were very full after eating. anyway, i enjoy singing, so i did sing much, thoughout the time we were there. and as the others didn't sing much, i could sing as much as i could! so i was really happy during the time there. about 10, we left and got back home.

two days were happy days overall.

and i got some presents from my dear friends, and thanks for them!

firstly, i wanna mention that i got a present which i've given to a friend in the other day. it's quite surprising for me. thx, Mia.

secondly, i got a necklace, thx, Ching.

thirdly, thx Wendy, you got me some good things.

fourthly, thx, i did want it, in the past. for now, it's still quite cute for me, and i like it. it's a long time for me, so i did forget it's the thing that i did ask for. but anyway, it's not the same feeling for me now, you know what, time has changed, my mind has also changed. also wanna remind you guys that i change a lot, and i always change, don't think i'm still the same as before after time has passed. anyway, something is still the same of coz, but not all of them. anyway, whatever.

thank you for everyones who loves me.

台長: Aeris
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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