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2008-12-02 19:40:37| 人氣47| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

To be Professional~~ Studying

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Found a subject that is interested is exciting. Finance!

I don't want to be a rookie, pretending to be professional, but a real professional, since I want to find out the truth. I want to have my own point of view, not following others.

So, I started from basic, reading a textbook "Introduction to Finance". After reading chapter one, I cannot hold myself to have a reflection....

To be an investor, am I an investor?

I think if you want to sell out all your stock within a short period once you can earn, you are not an investor, but a gambler. An real investor should behave like Warren Buffett, should have done valuation to a company. If you have not done any valuation to a company but buying stocks, you are a gambler or a follower only.

Valuation to a company is part of the finance. Accounting is a primary tools to do so, and that is the next thing I plan to learn "Financial Accounting".

台長: Edward
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