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2012-06-07 19:42:04 | 人氣829| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

GODIVA巧克力Café GODIVA倫敦Harrods旗艦店隆重開幕

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The selection of GODIVA signatures are displayed on the shelves for customers to pick out their gifts to their loved ones.

歐洲首間GODIVA Chocolate Cafe位於倫敦Harrods百貨,為全球各地巧克力愛好者的聚集地,讓來賓沉浸在無與倫比的巧克力殿堂中
Located in the Harrods Department Store, GODIVA’s first Chocolate Cafe in Europe strives to become the unique destination for all chocolate lovers.

The interiors will blend modern and Belgian luxury to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

GODIVA Chocolate Cafe內的設計運用了新藝術運動(Art Nouveau Style)的元素以自然曲線作為主要的構成元素,摒棄古典裝飾傳統,創造出風行一時的流線風格,如葡萄蔓般相互攀牽和螺旋扭曲的線條。而奢華絕倫的大理石吧台上,呈現了各款獨具匠心、極緻美味的GODIVA的各式巧克力甜點和多款香濃幼滑的GODIVA巧克力飲品。
The interior design of GODIVA Chocolate Cafe incorporated elements from Art Nouveau Style that uses natural curves and lines like the intertwining between grape vines as the main element. The spacious café also features a luxurious marble bar to display the sumptuous selection of GODIVA Fine Patisserie as well as taps flowing with molten chocolate for delicious dipping.

Hot Chocolixir
以由牛奶、純或白巧克力醬、熱牛奶及牛奶泡沫調配的極致巧克力體驗,三重誘惑,讓人欲罷不能 Three indulgent layers: warm milk, dark or white chocolate ganache, steamed milk, and milk foam

Milk Chocolate Sin Cake
Silky dark chocolate mousse with a chocolate glazed moist chocolate cake, layered with rich chocolate ganache and crispy crunchies. Accompanied by GODIVA chocolate sauce and a chocolate butter crunch almond crumble

Hazelnut  Delice
A hazelnut praline with whole hazelnuts, topped with a dark chocolate cream and layered onto a hazelnut Dacquoise

Ultimate Chocolate Cup Cake
純巧克力海綿蛋糕包裹著香醇的巧克力心, 並以巧克力牛油奶油及印上字樣的巧克力捲捲點綴,色香味美,為極致的味蕾享受
A dark chocolate sponge cake with a rich chocolate centre, topped with chocolate butter cream and dark chocolate curls

Chilled Chocolixir
An icy blend of milk, dark or white chocolate ganache, topped with layers of whipped cream. 


Chocolate Fondue
Delicious melted chocolate ganache served in a fondue tower surrounded by an array of treats perfect for dipping

台長: 柏維EDDIE

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