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The MRT is orientated to our living
Text by Shih-tang Hung (薌雨)
Translated by Chung Ling (鍾玲)

As Kaohsiung is a port, if the MRT is to be properly integrated with the city it should also be united with the ocean. As well as providing a ‘tour of historic Kaohsiung’ and ‘celebrate the port’, we hope that the future MRT will lead the citizens nearer to the ocean, listening to it and seeing it.
Many inspired ideas and innovations were continually added to the original plans of the Harbor City team. They were all ideas that develop came from our understanding of the city.
We at Harbor City have plans to build an underground shopping mall covering the area from the proposed R8 station south of the intersection of Chungshan Second Road (中山二路) and Santuo Fourth Road (三多四路) along the route of Hsinkuang Road (新光路). Yunhe Park (運河公園) will also be included in this area. This will improve the Hsinkuang Road (新光路) neighborhood making it a mainly pedestrian area that will be an interesting, multi-faceted passageway to the harbor. At the same time, along Hsinkuang Road Middle Section (新光路中段) we will combine the broad streets of Chunghwa Road (中華路) and Chengkung Road (成功路) with Tungkang Park (通港公園) to create a public square where citizens can stretch themselves in a large open activity area. Thus, people in the south take a stroll leisurely in this city right by the ocean.
We at Harbor City also have plans to bring to life and develop the Hsin Chueh Chiang (新堀江) area by building a commercial area under the proposed R9 station north of the intersection of Chungshan First Road (中山一路) and Wufu Second and Third Roads (五福二,三路). We plan to build a ‘water and laser show’ gallery where the public’s artwork can be displayed. It will be a place representative of youth culture, where the young can be free to show off their individual talents. It will be a genuine center of ‘alternative culture’.
We have done our best to make our plans fit in with those of the Kaohsiung City government. We will recreate the charm of public spaces in front of the Chungshan Stadium (中山體育場) north of the intersection of Chungshan First Road (中山一路) and Wufu Second and Third Roads (五福二,三路). We will transform the Chungshan Stadium (中山體育場) from an ordinary public place to one of the citizens’ favorite spots. We hope that it will become a ‘forest park’ in a green city. It will be filled with music and lights and street performances, somewhere that people will want to meet in the evening and enjoy a romantic stroll along the many wide red-brick paths.
Moreover, we at Harbor City hope to build an elevated single track electric line going into the Sun Yat-sen University (中山大學) campus from the proposed O1 Hsi Tzu Wan station (西子灣站). We hope to connect Kaohsiung’s original site of Ha Ma Hsing (哈瑪星) with Chai Shan Mountain(柴山) and Hsi Tzu Wan Bay(西子灣) so that this line can provide with the views of harbor, mountain and sea. This will be the site of Taiwan’s first single-track electric line. We plan to have the MRT running along the Kushan (鼓山) coastal route hoping that MRT passengers will be able to see and hear the sea, so that enjoyment of scenery and relaxation can be made part of their everyday lives. We also hope that Sun Yat-sen University (中山大學) can be brought closer to the lives of the city’s residents.
Our ideas are is different from those behind the Taipei MRT. We believe that the MRT has the ability not only to reach places throughout the city, but also to play the important role of integrating dreams of the university and city dwellers. By using the MRT, all citizens will be able to get closer to the sea, hear the sea, and be nearer to the ideal spot of the site of idealism, the university campus.
All this is because the MRT is oriented to our living.

台長: 薌雨
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