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Podzillas and PODZILLAs



Podzillas are small, crane-like vehicles that drivers operate remotely using a wireless remote control. They can lift and place storage containers without tilting them. The company was started by David Warhurst, who sold his company to Bell Atlantic in 1992. He also founded the company with two other partners. While they are not ideal for large or heavy cameras, they work well for smartphones.


The Joby PodZilla tripods are lightweight and durable. They have an aluminum core and rubberized leg grips to prevent slipping podzilla. These tripods are compatible with cameras and other accessories that have 1/4-20" mounting holes. They also feature fully rotating ball heads to increase stability. PodZillas are available in two different sizes: small and medium.


PODZILLAs help transport and place PODS containers. They can be placed in hard-to-reach areas and easily moved to a new location. PODZILLAs also keep the containers level during transport. The system is mounted on a PODS delivery truck, and local PODS drivers are trained to operate it.

台長: jackosn
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