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2021-01-07 10:59:30| 人氣14| 回應0 | 上一篇
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  1 A gentle breeze swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story houseAlongside me was a slender woman in a black dressmy guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement in DresdenOntariowas home to a hero in American historyAs we walked toward a plain gray churchBarbara Carter spoke proudly of her great-great-grandfatherJosiah Henson"He was confident that the Creator intended all men to be created equalAnd he never gave up struggling for that freedom"


   我步出這幢兩層小屋,加拿大平原上輕風微拂。我身邊是壹位苗條的黑衣女子,把我帶回到過去的向導。液態威而鋼效果 液態威而鋼購買 液態威而鋼哪裡買 果凍威而鋼成分那時,安大略省得雷斯頓這壹帶住著美國歷史上的壹位英雄。我們前往壹座普普通通的灰色教堂,芭芭拉·卡特自豪地談論著其高祖喬賽亞·亨森。他堅信上帝要所有人生來平等。他從來沒有停止過爭取這壹自由權利的奮鬥。


  2 Carter's devotion to her ancestor is about more than personal prideit is about family honorFor Josiah Henson has lived on through the character in American fiction that he helped inspireUncle Tomthe long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's CabinIronicallythat character has come to symbolize everything Henson was notA racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himselfCarter gets angry at the thought"Josiah Henson was a man of principle" she said firmly


   卡特對其先輩的忠誠不僅僅關乎壹己之驕傲,而關乎家族榮譽。因為喬賽亞·亨森至今仍為人所知是由於他所激發的創作靈感使得壹個美國小說人物問世:湯姆叔叔,哈麗特·比徹·斯陀的小說《湯姆叔叔的小屋》中那個逆來順受的黑奴。液態威而鋼  果凍威而鋼 水果威而鋼  具有諷刺意味的是,這壹人物所象征的壹切在亨森身上壹點都找不到。壹個不願奮起力爭、背叛種族的黑人?卡特對此頗為憤慨。喬賽亞·亨森是個有原則的人,她肯定地說。


  3 I had traveled here to Henson's last home -- now a historic site that Carter formerly directed -- to learn more about a man who wasin many waysan African-American MosesAfter winning his own freedom from slaveryHenson secretly helped hundreds of other slaves to escape north to Canada -- and libertyMany settled here in Dresden with him


   我遠道前來亨森最後的居所――如今已成為卡特曾管理過的壹處歷史遺跡――是為了更多地了解此人,他在許多方面堪稱黑人摩西。果凍威而鋼效果 果凍威而鋼用法 果凍威而鋼功效 果凍偉哥亨森自己擺脫了黑奴身份獲得自由之後,便秘密幫助其他許多黑奴逃奔北方去加拿大――逃奔自由之地。許多人和他壹起在得雷斯頓這壹帶定居了下來。


  4 Yet this stop was only part of a much larger mission for meJosiah Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroada secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to liberate slaves from the American SouthBetween 1820 and 1860as many as 100000 slaves traveled the Railroad to freedom


   但此地只是我所承擔的繁重使命的壹處停留地。喬賽亞·亨森只是壹長串無所畏懼的男女名單中的壹個名字,果凍威而鋼哪裡買 果凍威而鋼ptt 果凍威而鋼評價 果凍威而鋼副作用這些人共同創建了這條地下鐵路,壹條由逃亡線路和可靠的人家組成的用以解放美國南方黑奴的秘密網絡。在1820年至1860年期間,多達十萬名黑奴經由此路走向自由。


  5 In October 2000President Clinton authorized $16 million for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center to honor this first great civil-rights struggle in the USThe center is scheduled to open in 2004 in CincinnatiAnd it's about timeFor the heroes of the Underground Railroad remain too little rememberedtheir exploits still largely unsungI was intent on telling their stories200010月,克林頓總統批準撥款1600萬美元建造全國地下鐵路自由中心,以此紀念美國歷史上第壹次偉大的民權鬥爭。雙效果凍 kamagra果凍 kamagra 100mg Kamagra液態中心計劃於2004年在辛辛那提州建成。真是該建立這樣壹個中心的時候了。因為地下鐵路的英雄們依然默默無聞,他們的業績依然少人頌揚。我要講述他們的故事。


  6 John Parker tensed when he heard the soft knockPeering out his door into the nighthe recognized the face of a trusted neighbor"There's a party of escaped slaves hiding in the woods in Kentuckytwenty miles from the river" the man whispered urgentlyParker didn't hesitate"I'll go" he saidpushing a pair of pistols into his pockets

台長: zhenxiang152
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