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  Happy Birthday  Today it's February 13th. It's a very special day: Miguel's birthday! Like every year, he's organised a big celebration for all his friends......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-02-17 22:43 | 人氣:812 | 回應:0
  Problem D: Bit-wise SequenceDr. DoLots is an expert in number theory and he is currently studying prime numbers. In fact, some people say that he ha......(詳全文)
發表時間:2014-02-17 09:06 | 人氣:627 | 回應:0
Problem E: Brownie Points II Stan and Ollie play the game of Odd Brownie Points. Some brownie points are located in the plane, at integer coordinates. Stan plays first and ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-10-11 08:57 | 人氣:941 | 回應:0
這學期沒修演算法,順道複習一下同學的作業。[演算法B] Homework3: (你必須至少完成二個題目,若完成二個以上的題目則可以取得額外加分)(A) 請展示細節(資料結構及程序)來說明如何利用 presorti......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-10-05 16:50 | 人氣:43749 | 回應:0
Problem F Reverse Prime Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output   There are a few 7 digit positive numbers whose reverse number is a prime number ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-09-22 21:01 | 人氣:1427 | 回應:0
Problem B: Antimonotonicity I have a sequence Fred of length n comprised of integers between 1 and n inclusive. The elements of Fred are pairwise distinct. I want to find a ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-07-07 22:21 | 人氣:807 | 回應:0
Mr. K. I. has a very big movie collection. He has organized his collection in a big stack. Whenever he wants to watch one of the movies, he locates the movie in this stack an......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-07-05 15:27 | 人氣:577 | 回應:0
  G: Nested Dolls  Dilworth is the world's most prominent collector of Russian nested dolls: he literally has thousands of them! You know, the wooden hollow......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-05-07 10:54 | 人氣:1917 | 回應:0
B Potentiometers Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output A potentiometer, or potmeter for short, is an electronic de......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-05-06 20:23 | 人氣:346 | 回應:0
英文題目已經打在程式碼中,便不多說了。中文題目描述:在檔案中寫入費氏數列前 47 項,用 DWORD(32 bit)儲存輸出如下圖:輸出的時候以 binary 方式去寫,因此會亂碼,用 notepad++ 的外掛軟件去......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-04-18 21:43 | 人氣:4076 | 回應:0
內容 : 還記得老蚯的那些寶物嗎?隨著蚯蚓們挖到的寶物越來越多,蚯蚓的公用倉庫越疊越高,老蚯發現自己竟愛上了疊東西。為了滿足自己疊東西的欲望,老蚯從寶物堆中找......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-04-14 09:29 | 人氣:412 | 回應:0
作業內容: —(10分) Design any 8x8 bit icon with 0,1-pattern, and saved in BStrs (BStr0~BStr7). —(20分) A procedure: Convert 0 to blank and 1 to x for each bit in BStrs ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-03-24 20:02 | 人氣:6212 | 回應:2
內容 :   台灣是吃的王國,到處都有好吃的餐廳。有 鑑於此,身為雜誌編輯的小明,決定每週出一本餐廳週刊專門介紹各地值得推薦的好餐廳;每一本週刊由一名特派員負......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-03-01 22:11 | 人氣:572 | 回應:0
內容 : 快要段考了!!!!!!!!!!!!平常沒在上課的小小高中生 " 祖靈 " 感到非常的驚惶!!!! OAO~~而為了發洩他的情緒製造了許多的JIZZZ麵他把JIZZ麵裝成一碗一碗的,然後......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-01-21 07:07 | 人氣:591 | 回應:1
內容 : Background出國比 ACM-ICPC 區預賽,沒有好英文可是不行的。小光這次去泰國合艾打醬油,題目根本看不懂,猶如同 WORLD FINAL 的選手不會應答現場主播,被大陸......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-11-27 08:35 | 人氣:593 | 回應:0

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